Page 28 - Pauza Magazine
P. 28

features: winter 2013

                                           FIND OUT WHAT PEACE CORPS STAFF ARE LOVING THIS WINTER

                                                                                    Pauza asked four Peace Corps Macedonia staff their favorite things about the season.

                                                 My greatest wish                     My favorite winter
                                                    for 2013 is...                         memory is...


                                                          Paris                                Kyoto


                         JANEEN                                                               sledding

                         DORSCH                     strong laws                            down New-
                                                  on the banning
                                                                                          ton Street,
                                                 of the sale of
                                                                                        NE Brookland,
                                                   weapons and
                                                                                           DC with my
                                                 the ammunition
                            Program &                                                    brothers and
                         Training Officer          used in them.                           girlfriends.

                       MILAHETA                   for my family to stay
                       NUSHEVICH                   healthy, wealthy and                  my trip to Istanbul
                                                 in good shape, togeth-                 with my daughter. It

                                                 er with my friends.  I                  was a great oppor-
                                                 believe that every wish                 tunity to explore one
                                                   can be accomplished                  of the most beautiful

                               Medical             if you keep in mind                   cities in the world.
                              Assistant             those two things.

                         LINDITA                   to see volunteer
                         REXHEPI                  spirit in Macedo-                       ice skating on
                                                                                             the frozen
                                                   nian youth - to                       river in Ommen,
                                                 see them actively                       a small town in
                                                 volunteering, par-                     the Netherlands
                                                    ticipating, and                     in 2009. It was
                                                  making impact in                            the most
                          Programming &            their local com-                        exciting and
                         Training Assistant        munities through                          challenging
                                                  active citizenship.                       experience.
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