Page 26 - Pauza Magazine
P. 26

features: winter 2013

       What You’re Loving This Winter

                     1                                                                             8

                 Enid Moore                [    ]                                             Hana Truscott
                   MAK 16                                                                         MAK 16
       “My woodstove”                                                                “My new lil calico kitten, Lui

                      2                                                              Makedonski,  who showed
                                                                                     up unannounced and loves

                  Kaitlin Tris                               4                       to cuddle.” (left)

                    MAK 17                            Faron Sagebiel                              9
       “Yoga by my wood burn-                             MAK 16
       ing stove with a pot of boil-                                                          Erika Furey
       ing water to add humidity             “My  memories of  the gor-                          MAK 17
       to my room (adding some               geous last spring in Macedo-
       orange peels to get a good            nia.”                                 “Baking Berovian potatoes in
       aroma). It has been my sav-                          5                      my wood burning stove.”
       ing grace.”
                       3                                Enid Moore                                10

                                                          MAK 16
                  Erika Furey                “Living  life in the  Tetovo re-               Faron Sagebiel
                                                                                                 MAK 16
                    MAK 17
                                             gion of Macedonia!”
                    6                                                              “The bitter  memories  of  the
       “Conducting  many  food  ex-
       periments with my  super-
                                                                                   much worse winter last year.”
       duper Easy  Bake Oven on
                                                                           Kelly Friedman
                                                                                 MAK 17
       “Christmas  cards  from  students,  decorations  throughout
       my town, celebrations (by which I mean food) with my host
       family, visits from friends, and, of course, PCV party times.
       Altogether  they  have  made  for  an  amazing  first  holiday
       season in Macedonia!”

                                                         Lew Hemmer
                                                            MAK 16
                                                 “Using  my Termopechka
                                                 to warm my clothes each
                                                 morning before getting
                                                 dressed to walk across
                                                 town to my NGO. “
                                                                                                                   Austin Fast
                                                                                                                      MAK 15

                                              “Spending  six weeks  of winter  in  the U.S. where  central

        26 – Pauza Magazine
       26 – Pauza Magazine                    heating reigns supreme.”
                                             Photo by Lew Hemmer, Getting Through the Winter by Napping on my Termopechka
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