Page 22 - Pauza Magazine
P. 22
pcv projects
By the Environmental Working Group,
Peace Corps Macedonia
Project: Green & Blue vs. Black & Grey
PCV: Stephen Robinson, MAK16
Site: Local Development Agency, Struga
Grant: 220,350.00 Euro from European Union IPA
Cross-Border Macedonia-Albania Programme
Community Contribution: 18,330.00 Euro
Partners: Europartners, an environmental NGO in
Tirana, Albania
Status: Begins January 2013 Here’s a sneak
ecological projects of
Activities: creation of an ecological incubator, data peek into a few
collection about Ohrid lake and the surrounding our PCVs and host organizations
forests, research conducted in these areas by local that are helping create a better
experts, creation of a trilingual web portal about future for Macedonia.
the research findings, production of 3 short mov-
ies, and the formation of a series of Local Advisory
Groups on the Environment (which necessitates
Project: “Living History: Living Nature”
trainings and study trips).
PCV: Hana Truscott, MAK16
Site: Municipality of Novaci, Village of Novaci
Grant: 227,132.00 Euro from European Union IPA
Cross-Border Greece-Macedonia Programme Fund
Community Contribution: 13,361.00 Euro
+ 26,721.00 Euro from the Macedonian government
Partner: Municipality of Almopia in Aridea,
Status: Ongoing from Jan 2013 to June 2014
Have a project you want featured Activities: Cross-border collaboration for docu-
in the next issue of Pauza? mentation of historical monuments and natural
cal and natural path design, trail construction,
Email us at heritage sites, restoration of monuments, histori-
publishing of tour guides for historical and natural
hibition of historical and natural path trail systems.
22 – Pauza Magazine paths on both sides of the border, and digital ex-
22 – Pauza Magazine