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                                            Mayan Prophecy: Shift in Consciousness

                                                    “Imagine every nation with a
                                                green economy that operates to

                                                       eradicate global poverty.”

                                                                •  Imagine  that a nation’s well-being  and
                                                                    standard  of living  is measured  not by
                                                                    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) alone, but
                                                                    supplemented with indicators that take into
                                                                    account the value  of a country’s environ-

       By Hana Truscott, MAK16                                      mental goods and services, human well-
                                                                    being and quality of life; indicators such as
       Well folks, it’s the end of the world as we know             carbon  emissions,  renewable  energy, for-
       it.                                                          est and water stress, waste collection, re-
                                                                    cycling and reuse rates, literacy rate, lev-
       And according to  Mayan elders, like Nobel                   els of harmful chemicals in drinking water,
       Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum of the                   number of  people hospitalized  due to  air
       Quiche Mayan branch in Guatemala, to under-                  pollution,  and access to modern energy,
       stand the Mayan prophecy of this past Decem-                 water and sanitation.
       ber 21  is to understand the Mayan worldview,
       in which time is cyclical not linear and life is         •  Imagine a  future  in which sustainability
       continual – it has no end. In the Mayan con-                 goes  hand-in-hand  with gender  equality
       text, this “end of the world as we know it” is a             and empowered youth.
       shift in consciousness.                                  •  Imagine a world in which coal-consuming

       I see the dynamics of this new consciousness                 China adopts a general policy of Ecological
       emerging.                                                    Civilization, which places ecological goals
                                                                    for the country at the same level of prior-
       •  Imagine every nation with a green (energy-                ity as goals for economic, political, cultural
           efficient,  low-carbon)  economy  that  oper-            and social development (That JUST hap-
           ates to eradicate global poverty.                        pened. Congress adopted it at the end of

       20 – Pauza Magazine
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