Page 5 - Pauza Magazine
P. 5
the Editor
Last winter I was holed up in my little village house like a bear in hibernation. There
was so much snow I had to burrow my way to the woodshed with a bucket (no shovel!)
and my municipality had to helicopter food supplies into snowed-in mountain villages.
That wintery isolation (i.e. innumerable hours staring at the ceiling from the warmth of
my sleeping bag) became an opportunity for poignant (and at times agonizing) self-
reflection as I dug into the depths of who I am and who I want to be. From that season
of melancholy, I discovered my calling in life.
Winter is a gift. Each season – of the year and of our lives – is a gift. This winter (albeit
notably warmer) I’m venturing out to enjoy the gift of Macedonia’s many winter holiday
festivities: from dancing in the streets of Vevchani last month to partaking in the Sveti
Trifun – patron-saint to all things agriculture and grape growing – celebrations today in
Demir Kapija. I’m also venturing out into my calling – finally acknowledging that deep
ache inside of me to be a writer. A first step was applying to Pauza staff earlier this year,
and well, here I am making dreams into reality just in time for my 30 birthday earlier this
I invite you to join me in pouring a glass of wine (or grape juice) as you settle in to see
what awaits in this issue. Find out how one PCV found success on the fudbal field and
join several generations of volunteers as they take us into their time warps, travels, and
triumphs. Take the Dr. Philche crossword challenge to see how well you know Peace
Corps staff, and see if you can find yourself in photos or your horoscope sign in Macedo-
nian. Thanks to the many PCVs and Peace Corps staff who filled this issue with intrigu-
ing submissions, and a big thanks to the new MAK16 Pauza staff: diligent copyeditors
Rebecca Reeves and Sara D. Christopher, and our talented layout-designer Ms. Karli-
Marie Reyes.
Happy Valentine’s Day and Sveti Trifun Day from all of us at Pauza!
May you find the gift of this season.
Fall 2012 – 5
Winter 2013 – 5