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arts & cultural experiences


       By Natty Hussey, MAK 14
                                                              “  Looking at my Peace Corps

       Running down the gym, Djonka passes the ball, set-
       ting me up for a triangular give and go. I land on my  service as a game, it’s not
       left foot and bring my right leg through just like I was   whether you win or lose but
       taught in middle school. The ball goes flying at 100
       kilometers per hour and ‘ZING’ – it rockets just out      how you play that matters.                        ”
       of bounds. “Sranje!”

       Even though the 100 kilometers per hour pass was         These guys aren’t ones to brag about victories, suc-
       a bust, in addition to other innumerable mistakes,       cesses or projects reaching realization. Rather, they
       nobody got upset. After nominating myself as LVP         simply enjoy running around a couple times a week
       (least valuable player), I was invited to play again     being the fudbal stars they once dreamed of being
       the following Wednesday.                                 as kids. It took a long time to become friends with

       I spent my time in Peace Corps being bumped from         this gang, and it took a lot more than just one fud-
       one counterpart to another and then another and          bal victory. It started off as curiosity. For them it was
       even another. I finally ended up without one. After      having an American in the group and for me it was
       three years of Peace Corps Service it has become         the chance to see what friendship could mean here
       very clear that the term “service” cannot and should     in Macedonia and making myself get to  know 10
       not be defined solely by the number of participants      guys whose names I couldn’t keep straight at first.
       achieving  Community  Development  Goals  2.1  or        In the end I don’t have 10 starred WAD/GID (gender
       2.2. For me, service success has been defined by         development)  activities  on my Volunteer  Re-
       the quality of friends I’ve made. There’s Pepi, Dra-     port Form that are going to inflate my re-
       gan, The Dr., Zoki, Djonka, Shveo and many others        sume into exceptional international rela-
       with whom I have celebrated birthdays and holidays,      tions status, worthy of USAID, UNDP
       including the birth of The Dr.’s nephew. Not to men-     and  Foreign  Service  recognition.
       tion the many Friday or Saturday nights when we          There are, however,  10 very good
       would all go out and enjoy the little luxury money we    friends to show for at the end of my
       had. In hindsight I missed a few Saturday morning        service. Looking at my Peace Corps
       community events due to the choice of the previous       service as a game, it’s not whether
       night’s activities, but I did spend that time in merri-  you win or lose but how you play that
       ment with friends from the community.                    matters.
        6 – Pauza Magazine
       6 – Pauza Magazine
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