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arts & cultural experiences

   The                        Third                                            Half

   By Hana Truscott, MAK 16

   The 85  Academy Awards ceremony (The Oscars)  The film features a unique cast. Macedonian model
   is  nearly  upon  us,  with  Seth  MacFarlane  (creator  (and new face  of  Victoria’s  Secret)  Katarina Iva-
   of Family Guy) set to host the event next Sunday,  novska  makes  her  film  debut  in  the  main  role  of
   February 24 with a special tribute to the 50  anni- Rebecca, a well-to-do  Jewish woman residing  in
   versary of the James Bond film series (enter theme  Macedonia who escapes  the  terrible fate  of  her
   music).  The  official  Mace-                                                     people by eloping with  a
   donian entry for this year’s                                                      football player and living in
   Academy Awards is a very             PAUZA’S NOMINEES                             the team’s locker room un-
   special film. And while it did        FOR MACEDONIAN                              der the stadium. The actor
   not make it into the top five                                                     who plays Rebecca’s father
   nominees, it did make it into          MUST-SEE FILMS:                            is Croatian-American actor
   my  top  picks for  must-see                                                      Don Rafael, who you may
   Macedonian movies (not to  1. The Third Half  (2012) –                            recognize  from one of his

   mention more than a few of       Трето Полувреме                                  many roles in major Holly-
   your  fellow  PCVs  made  it                                                      wood films including Harry
   into the film).                  2. Before the Rain (1994) –                      Potter and the Deathly Hal-

   Football  (not of the Ameri-     Пред Дождот                                      lows, Eyes Wide Shut, and
                                                                                     more recently, In the Land
   can sort) is the main star of                                                     of Blood and Honey. A Ger-
   this newest film from Mace-      3. Macedonian Bloody                             man actor by  the name of
   donia’s award-winning  di-       Wedding (1900) –                                 Richard  Sammel, known
   rector Darko Mitrevski. The                                                       for his role in Roberto Beg-
   Third Half (2012)  is based      Македонска Крвава Свадба                         nini’s Life is Beautiful plays
   on  a  true  story  about  FC                                                     Spitz,  the Jewish-German
   (Football Club) Macedonia and its German-Jewish          coach  that  revives  FC  Macedonia.  German-Nazi
   coach who led the team towards a trying victory in       commander Garvanoff  is played by Emil Ruben,
   the Nazi football league during the turbulent time       a Macedonian actor of Jewish origin. Last, but not
   of World War II. It’s a story in which football brings   least, in the final scene of the film you can catch a
   lovers together across ethnic and religious  lines,      glimpse of your fellow PCVs smiling back at you –
   unites Macedonians against tensions of a new Nazi        MAK 14s, 15s and 16s.
   regime, and becomes more than just a game – it’s a
   battlefield between good and evil.                       We are the American family in the photo that main
                                                            character Rebecca holds up while paying respects
   The film premiered in Macedonia in late 2012 with a      to her deceased  family members at the newly
   red carpet event during the International Film Fes-      opened Holocaust Museum in Skopje. Rebecca has
         tival in Bitola, followed by a premiere in Sko-    returned to Macedonia nearly 70 years after surviv-
             pje. It has been circulating the local movie   ing the holocaust, and that picture of us PCVs as her
                theater  circuit, so if you  get a chance   American family and living descendants is symbolic
                 go  and  see  it.  It’s  filmed  at  sites  in   of the incredible perseverance of life in the face of
                  both  America and Macedonia, thus         devastating loss. The behind the scenes section of
                   language  switches from English  to      the movie’s website (
                   Macedonian.  It’s good  practice  for    features poignant interviews with the last living play-
                   your  language  skills  and  a history   er of FC Macedonia, as well as with Neta Koen, the
                  lesson while you’re at it.                woman whose life story inspired this film.

                                                                                                     Fall 2012 – 7
                                                                                                   Winter 2013 – 7
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