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arts & cultural experiences
Going ome Again
By Karli-Marie Reyes, MAK 16 left Probistip a great many things changed in my
host family. Georgi and Lena’s two grandchildren
While I never imagined it to be possible, I have man- got engaged, their soon-to-be grand-daughter-in-
aged to recreate pieces of my American life here law was expecting, and everyone, including their
in Macedonia. Though I wasn’t born here, Mace- daughter had moved back home. What I expected
donia is now very near to my heart and I am often to be a peaceful and calm weekend was instead a
surprised by the many similarities between my two three day party!
The 17s now call my home “The Holiday Inn of Pro-
I spread my wings and flew from the nest of my bistip.” I can imagine it is because of the revolving
childhood home at an early age, and like most of door of guests that now grace its halls. Dinners are
us, I return home from time to time for a few months loud, the wine never runs dry, and laughter echoes
here or there between projects. And while some from sunrise to sunset. You would think after all this
things never change, others will never be the same.
time I would learn to place my expectations at the
My brother and sister, 10 and 12 years younger door.
than me, grew up in a home I never knew. My life So there I sat in the middle of it all, thinking about
as a child was quiet and I was often doted on. Years the truth behind the cliché that no matter how simi-
later my brother and sister would fill the house with lar things may seem on the outside, we truly do ex-
noise and friends, with chaos and drama and hap- perience Peace Corps in our own way. We make
piness. It was a life different than the one I lived and create a life for ourselves here that is different
there. But the beauty of home and family is that you from the experience of anyone else.
always belong. It may not be the house I grew up in,
but it will always be home. It’s comforting to know The beauty of home and family in Macedonia, as
that there will always be room in their hearts and a it was in America, is that you always belong. My
place for me at the table. home in Probistip may not be the house I “grew
up” in, but it will always be home. It’s comforting to
During the MAK 17’s PST I went back home to my know that there will always be room in my host fam-
training community of Probistip. I thought it would ily’s hearts and a place for me at the table.
be a nice opportunity to
get to know the new crew,
to meet my new “brother
and sister” Rob and Sandi,
and as previous trips had
taught me, it would be a
weekend of solace and
quietude. Little did I know,
the house that I once
called home would be as
foreign to me as it was the
first time I stepped foot in-
During my time in Probis-
tip, I lived alone with my
host parents Georgi and
Lena. We ate quietly, drank
only with company, and I
was very much the focus
of their attention. After I
Fall 2012 – 9
Winter 2013 – 9