Page 193 - Ark of the Covenant Prayer(ebook)
P. 193
Spirit. Even though the manifestation of the Holy Spirit may
work through a person, that manifestation of power is the
Holy Spirit. Many overlook this truth.
Why are you so persistent in following that person, if the
signs, wonders and miracles are centralized in the Holy
Spirit? What is it about that person that you get so attached
to? That per-son has the workings of the Holy Spirit? Yes.
What you have said is completely right. Indeed, that person
does possess the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, who is the
Holy Spirit that is in you? Is the Holy Spirit, who manifests
itself in that person the only real one, and thereby says that
you have the fake The Holy Spirit? Where is your capability
to reason?
The Holy Spirit in you is 100% God, and the Holy Spirit in
that person, whom you follow, is also 100% The Holy Spirit.
It is not that the other person’s Holy Spirit is more powerful.
The Ho-ly Spirit in that person and in you are both the same
Holy Spirit. It is not by looking at the other person’s Holy
Spirit that you are able to recognize the Holy Spirit in you.
Leave the other person alone, so that he may be consumed
by the Holy Spirit. You are meant to enjoy the Holy Spirit in
Do you know why God hates adultery the most? The reason