Page 189 - Ark of the Covenant Prayer(ebook)
P. 189
“Doubt it … isn’t it only possible because it was in the era of
the Acts? Would such a thing happen now?” Yes, workings
greater than that of Peter are happening now. A German
minster of the spirit, named Reinhart Bonnke is calling
thousands upon thousands of people in repentance through a
gathering. An average number of 2,000,000 people gather at
a single event. Each are given a flyer, as an encourage-ment
in leaving with a commitment of conviction. And simply by
stirring the hearts, each event would still record thousands
upon thousands of commitments. And the participants are
Muslims. Hallelujah!
It is not only Peter, who was able to undertake such a task.
The story of Stephen comes up in Acts Chapter 6. Stephen
was not one of the twelve, but he was chosen to serve the
early church. The Holy Spirit manifested itself mightily
through Stephen.
“Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did
great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.
Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue
of the Freedmen (as it was called)--Jews of Cyrene and
Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia.
These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not