Page 3 - Have Faith Nov
P. 3


        November 2019           opportunity to expand on the   a great way of speaking to
                                subject and look at why it is   people who share my faith
          t was really nice to see the   so important to talk about.    and thoughts.  Hopefully,
        Iinterest in the first issue of   Of course, I know I will never   permission granted, I shall
        Have Faith although I do feel   change society but it never   be featuring and celebrating
        it was pointed very  strongly   hurts to throw a pebble into   them in the very near future.
        at my military past.  Not so   the proverbial pond.
        much this month, although                       Finally, please do get involved
        we are in Remembrance   One of my personal      with the new website.
        month and it is only right we   struggles has been trying   Although, it is still a little
        pay our respects.       to find social communities   sparse, it does have our
                                to share my thoughts with   daily reflections as well as a
        Another feature, in this   and get feedback and input    downloadable copy of the
        month’s issue, is that   to expand the platform.    latest issue.  Also don’t forget
        of Judgement.  This is   Thankfully, this month I   it has the ‘Have Faith FM’
        something I constantly see in   managed to find that very   radio page which streams
        so many walks of life within   thing by using MeWe.  I am   inspirational, gospel and
        our communities, I suppose   not a fan of Facebook as it has   worship music 24/7.
        it’s becoming a bit of a pet   caused me issues in the past,
        hate of mine.  Although I did   as it has with many people,   That’s it from me for this
        feature this in a reflection last   however one particular   month, God bless you all.
        month, I wanted to take the   group in MeWe has provided
        Find Have Faith at or by going to our social media platforms on Twitter
        @havefaith or by going to MeWe/Groups/Have Faith FM.
        IN THIS ISSUE:

        November 2019
        P10:  A Brand New Start
        How one man turned his life back to Christ.
        P20:  A Time of Remembrance
        Remembering our fallen as another year passes.
        P30:  Judge & Be Judged
        How one man turned his life back to Christ.                                                                                                             03 |
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