Page 4 - Have Faith Nov
P. 4

Day 1

        A Brand New Day,,,                                                                  2 Corinthians 4

        I had a dream the other   my new beginning was
        night..., well it was a   about to start.  So from
        nightmare actually.  Nothing   a bad dream, a new
        that really bothered me but   bright light shines.
        certainly enough for me to   Perhaps that was
        think about the meaning of it.  the light I saw in my
        The dream was, I was walking
        down a street very close to   Now, I don’t think I
        my home when everything   am superstitious but
        started to turn a brilliant   I do think that God
        white and then all of a   has a way of sending
        sudden the ground started to   messages and signs
        disappear.  Weird, I know but   that perhaps we do
        there you have it, our dreams   not understand.  In
        can go all over the place.  my mind, it is not
                                beyond the realms of
        As I said, I was none the   possibility that this was   that your new future does lie
        worse for it but after a little   such a sign telling me to look   ahead, you just need the
        research, I started finding   to the new future.  I may be   strength to look for it.  As
        the same meaning over and   wrong but I will look at it as a   far as my fellow veterans
        over again.  Dreaming of an   good sign, after all, what do I   are concerned, I don’t
        end or dreaming that you   have to lose.        think I could offer a more
        die is meant to signify a new                   worthwhile piece of advice.
        beginning.  Of course, there is   So my thoughts reflect on
        no scientific evidence to this   some of the nightmares I   Finally, I’d like to leave you
        and it could very possibly be   used to suffer when I was in   with one of the verses that
        complete rubbish but it did   the midst of PTSD.  Totally   I read when looking for
        kind of make sense a little.  different and incomparable,   answers to my dream.  I
                                I know but maybe it was a   think, this is where it started
        Recently, I have been going   way of being told to get help.    to make a little sense.
        through a lot of career   Maybe not, but one thing I
        changes and pointing myself   am learning is that there is   Isaiah 43:18-19
        into a new and very positive   a reason for everything we
        direction.  It has all got very   experience.  The trick is to   Forget the former things; do
        exciting, I must admit.  I   recognise the message.  Much   not dwell on the past. See, I
        won’t bore you with the   easier to write about than to   am doing a new thing! Now
        details but for me it’s as if the   do in practice.  it springs up; do you not
        old life has passed and a new                   perceive it? I am making a
        one has begun..         But the message here is that   way in the wilderness and
                                we must always look for our   streams in the wasteland.
        The thing is, the dream, to   new start no matter how
        me was a sign that my old life   bad things seem.  One thing   Hope this helps you in your
        was coming to an end and   we can say without doubt is   journey through life.

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