Page 5 - Have Faith Nov
P. 5
Day 2
Don’t Worry, Be Happy... Matthew 6: 25 - 34
I remember, in my younger But it can do a whole lot of we can think straight and
days, that wonderful song damage to our soul. solutions are found.
by Bobby McFerrin, ‘Don’t
Worry, Be Happy’. Of course To me, If I worry about The same is applied
it was just a feel good song something, it means I am spiritually. The trick is to
with comical verses but the not trusting in God. A stop worrying. Once I do,
message was something complete break-down in I will ask God in prayer to
which was bang on and very my faith. Well, maybe not help. Being human means we
often overlooked. Ok, I’m complete, but my faith are not perfect and subject
putting my hands up here, has definitely weakened, I to errors and failures. That’s
I have to admit to being a completely understand OK. But by simply asking for
bit of a worrier. But what that not everybody follows help normally gets the job
good does worrying actually Christianity and that’s fine, done. God is a good route
achieve? No, this is not a we live in a very diverse to ask for help. I know that
rhetorical question, I actually world but worry doesn’t the bible is full of advice
want to look at the effects differentiate. It affects us all. about worrying. That’s where
both physically, mentally and Even somebody with no faith, I get my strength from to
spiritually. is damaged. Worry is telling overcome worrying matters.
that person they are losing
To start with, the physical faith in themselves. I wonder if Bobby McFerrin
effects of worrying are well had this in mind while
documented. Stress, high So let’s look at a quick and writing his song. I shall leave
blood pressure, weak immune typical scenario that we worry you with a fantastic phrase I
system, the list goes on, so about. Money! The dreaded learnt in Kenya many years
we know very well worrying pennies cause us so much ago and was the subject of a
is not good for our physical worry these days especially song in the musical ‘The Lion
well being. Mentally, it has when it comes to paying bills. King’ Hakuna Matata...
very much the same effect, So the electric bill, lands (No worries)
stress, headaches, lack of on our door mat and we
concentration, the lack of open it up and see that
ability to get things done, it is pretty high for the
anxiety, depression etc. Yes, month. First reaction is
not very good at all. to start worrying, “How
on earth are we going to
But what about spiritually? pay this?” I have said
What good or damage does it this to myself and to my
do to our spiritual well-being? partner so many times
There are very little ups yet, somehow a way is
here, I suppose we can argue found to pay. Maybe not
that worrying may keep us in the time the Electric
from becoming complacent company wants it but it
and keep us on the ball, gets paid. Worry over.
personally I believe there are The fact is, once we calm
better ways to achieve this. down, stop worrying, 05 |