Page 8 - Have Faith Nov
P. 8

Day 5

        Remember the Important Stuff                                                Psalm 118: 5-6

        Isn’t it funny how life gets in the way at times,   All of the time I was busy, I forgot to take all
        believe me, you are reading this from some-  of this rubbish that I had accumulated to my
        body who is constantly getting sucked up in   mate. The result was it piled up and started to
        the great vacuum of life. These days, I have so  weigh me down. So I have made a promise to
        many responsibilities, (of my own making,   myself, no matter whether it is at the Cathedral
        I must add) My days are a constant drone of   or not, I will take a few moments each day to
        magazines, PC’s, websites, I forget what is   have a chinwag with God. At least while I am
        important.                          enduring this busy period.
        Just recently, after months of working at full   I should go to church and pray. Yes, my human
        tilt, achieving loads and managing it all in my   side is still there and I still neglect what is
        stride I suddenly started to get stressed out,   really important. But, in a way, the work we
        started realising I couldn’t cope and began to   do, I still class as God’s work and to me that is
        doubt my ability. This feeling started to spread   so important.  Everything we do here is to help
        everywhere, even into the tranquillity of my   others.  I, or should I say we, expect or want no
        partner and myself.  What was happening?  reward only the knowledge that we helped. But
                                            to do this I do need the strength and backing
        The answer has been there for me to see all   from God, without that life gets very tough.
        along but being typically human, I ignored all
        of the warning signs because I was too busy.   I don’t expect for you all to do as I do in these
        Everything became important except for the  circumstances but I think it is pretty good
        important things. My three F’s got neglected,   sound advice to share your problems, niggles
        Food, Faith and Fun. Because of this I actually   and stresses with a friend. Personally, I cannot
        forgot what I was doing everything for.  think of a better friend than God but that’s me.
                                            But if you do find yourself in a place where
        Last year, I was quite conscious of my diet, I   you have a little too much on your plate and
        ate well, cooked lots of good meals and felt   have no one to turn to why not give my friend
        physically great. As far as the fun is concerned,   a go.  He’ll never turn you away, He’ll always
        I would spend time writing songs, playing   let you talk your heart out and always provide
        guitar                              a solution even if it doesn’t become immedi-
        and taking a little time to chill out with my   ately apparent.
        other half. But I think most seriously, I have
        recently neglected my one-to-ones with God.

        I have never really been a church goer but I do
        take a lot of pleasure in going to the Cathedral
        and just spending a little time chatting to God.
        I tell him what’s bothering me, I ask him to
        watch over those I love and I ask him to guide
        me through whatever I am doing. When I
        leave the Cathedral I do feel better about my-
        self, it’s as if I’ve unloaded to my best friend,
        which, to be honest, I have.

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