Page 13 - Have Faith Nov
P. 13
Day 10
Balance your Wheel of Life... Ezekiel 1:15-21
Here’s a bit of a weird one. We But that doesn’t mean to say but I’ve balanced out my
were talking about the wheel we can’t balance our lives to imperfect wheel so things are
of life the other day and how, make it the best as possible. a little more smooth.
if one part of your circle
becomes damaged, neglected When you take your car in Take a look at the Wheel
or just forgotten about then to service, the mechanics of Life to the left, and score
your ride in life can become will balance your wheels. yourself honestly between
unstable. They spin, what looks like a 1 - 10 per section. Draw a line
perfectly round wheel, on a across the section with the
I can almost hear you saying machine that shows where it outer line being 10 and the
“What on earth is this idiot is off balance. The mechanic centre of the circle being 0
going on about now?”. Well, will then rectify it by banging and then take a look at where
I’ll explain. There are many a weight on to the wheel to you need to add a balance
parts of our life which make get the perfect balance and weight to smooth off your
us what we are. Family, return the road drive to a own personal life ride. If you
friends, work, rest, recreation, smooth experience. have trouble finding your
love, health, the list goes on balance weights, why not take
depending on our personal We can do the same in our a look at the spiritual wheel
circumstances. When each own wheel of life. Obviously above. Plenty of guidance can
one works in harmony, life banging a wheel weight to be found here.
is good, the wheel turns your head is not the answer
smoothly and we sit in our but repairing the part which As I’ve said before this is
perfect world. If only... is out of balance will ensure just my own personal way of
your ride is smooth even making sense of these things.
Our lives are rarely perfect. though the wheel is not I do hope that these passages
In fact I can put my hand on perfect. If I can explain with make as much sense to you as
my heart and say I don’t know a practical example, recently they do to me. Have faith in
anyone that has a perfect life. I have had a few health issues yourselves.
which have knocked me
off my normal track,
ignoring the problem
meant my work, sleep,
family life were all
affected but after a visit
to the doctor where he
banged on my virtual
balance weight in the
form of some medica-
tion and further inves-
tigations gave me peace
of mind to get things
back into balance. Yes,
things are not perfect 13 |