Page 14 - Have Faith Nov
P. 14
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I have become a student
of Christianity.
The ‘Have Faith’ author speaks frankly on how God and the Bible became such
a big part of his life and how he sees his Faith after his Military past.
y Spirituality has always been After numerous suicide attempts, I finally
an issue for me, at least up took myself to a quiet chapel and asked
Mto a few years ago, especially for help. I didn’t know what to expect or
coming from such a violent background. if anything was really going to happen...
The whole concept of God and Faith OK, stop right there for a few moments.
has been (to my shame) questioned on Let’s rewind 40 or 50 years. I was born
many occasions. Even attending Church in Southern England back in the 60’s
services has been something of a sore to a South American Mother and an
point for me. I found it hard to swallow Ex-Military Father. Being raised in a
how people in the congregation could Catholic household, upbringing was
tell me right from wrong and then go out very strict and turning into a rebellious
and contradict themselves by sinning street urchin seemed to be my thing
and making mistakes exactly like me. which naturally ended up, on numerous
As a soldier, it was often thought that occasions, with me on the wrong side
an idea would be to separate ourselves of a dusting down, to put it politely.
from religious thoughts in order to stop However, I tried my best which wasn’t
conflict in the mind when called upon easy being the second eldest of four kids.
to take on the more unfortunate duties School was not my best strength and I
of being a serviceman. Of course, this is found myself in the local Army recruiting
wrong but it is easy to see why it is done. office not long after finishing school.
After joining up, life became a little easier
By the time I arrived back into civvy to handle until the first operational tour
street, I was truly confused. I was of Northern Ireland.
already in a very dark place due to acute,
complex PTSD and had a massive trust I’m going to stop with the life story there
issue with anyone and anything that tried as I just wanted to give a brief account of
to help. where I came from and why my internal
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