Page 19 - Have Faith Nov
P. 19

Day 14

        Are You Ready...                                                                        2 Timothy 2:15

        Here’s a question for you all? Are you ready   the priesthood or become a nun but there are
        and prepared for tomorrow? Is everything   a few things you can do naturally in life to
        in place to ensure you day goes smoothly? I   ensure we are spiritually ready.  Like making
        would imagine most of you are now nodding   it up with friends you may have upset, getting
        or thinking of course it is. But let’s extend   in touch with that family member you had a
        that a little, are you ready for next week, next   row with some years ago, saying sorry for the
        month, next year? No, of course not. At this   things you’ve done. Not rocket science but
        moment in time we are not sure what is going   something all of us fall short of. Most of all,
        to happen so we don’t have the correct  forgive.
        information to prepare. Or do we?...
                                            The one thing that the bible teaches us,
        We can look forward and prepare for what   coming to think of it so do all Holy books,
        we know will happen.  One example of this,   is the most important of all things. Love the
        is that busy season that everybody starts to   Lord, your God and love your neighbour as
        prepare for in the summer.  As soon as the   yourself. If you cannot forgive, how can you
        temperature drops by a few degrees in October   expect to be forgiven. If you cannot love,
        you can guarantee that the Christmas trees   how can you expect to be loved. If you cannot
        and decorations appear in the shops, people   save, how can you expect to be saved.
        start buying presents for people to budget the
        cost and we find ourselves in a crazy world   A soldier on the battlefield has to train,
        of worrying about things that are not really   prepare and plan in order to carry out his
        important in the grand scheme of things.  duties. It often involves hard work, pain and
                                            suffering but he does it because he knows it is
        I wonder how many are spiritually prepared   right and for the good of others. We don’t have
        for the future. If there is one thing I have   to go that far but we can use that as a good
        learned it takes but a brief unseen moment   inspiration to get ready for what will come.
        for a life to end. How can we ever prepare
        for that?  We can’t to be honest, nobody can   Remember that however hard things may get,
        foresee how or when we will meet our end but   you have someone on your shoulder who will
        we can do things to make sure our soul is  never desert you, he will never walk away. And
        ready for whatever may happen.   No one is   if you ask him, he will help you to prepare.
        saying you have to turn into a saint or join

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