Page 22 - Have Faith Nov
P. 22

Day 17

        There’s no Courage without Fear...                                               Isaiah 41:10

        This month marks the biggest landmark of   adopt that same way of thinking.  It kind of
        courage on our calender as you may have   keeps their feet planted on the ground during
        noticed from the Remembrance article.  We all   the testing times.  With the same thought in
        commemorate those who showed courage in   mind, once Jesus had left his disciples, each
        adversity in  armed conflicts by our brave men   and every one of them lived a dangerous
        and women.                          life.  Spreading the word of the Lord in times
                                            where the penalties for doing so were death in
        A thought comes to mind of the fear each   horrific ways.  The very definition of courage
        and every one of them experienced regardless   was so present here.  Each one knowing that
        of whether they lived or died.  As our title   at some point they would suffer for their
        implies, there has to be fear in order for   missions.  In fact, all but one was executed.
        courage to be present.  Those who read last   Again the thought of their fear comes to mind.
        months edition may recall how I defined   Yet they never wavered from their own duty.
        courage.  The presence of fear, yet the will to
        go on.  It is a massive attribute.  I think these are valuable inspirations when
                                            we are called upon to show courage in our
        As a veteran, I know only too well, the effects   daily lives.  If you are experiencing fear over
        fear can have on our decision making and   a situation, bear in mind that it is simply a
        actions.  Yet I have never seen myself as   process where courage will overcome.  Indeed
        particularly courageous.  I think at the time,   at these moments fear is essential.  At these
        I did what I had to do through duty.  I had   times pray for the strength to go on as those
        made a commitment and I saw it through.  I   before.  Have Faith in the Lord to give you
        think many of our servicemen and women   strength and have Faith in yourself.

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