Page 25 - Have Faith Nov
P. 25

Day 20

        Trust in God Pt2...                                                                        Romans 8:28

        On this subject of Trusting in God, I’d just like   be suffering or even worse.  His timing was
        to take a brief look at why I have seen how   flawless.  The suffering and experiences that I
        God works in us in his timing.  It is a story   needed to go through were necessary in order
        I have told many times but I
        feel it is the one incident where
        I actually saw how God was
        working in me.
        ‘Have Faith’ originally came
        from my experiences of how
        I overcame a serious mental
        health issue after serving in the
        British Army.  My service took
        me to numerous conflicts and
        testing environments where I
        saw an awful lot of inhumanity
        and traumatic events,  This
        lead to PTSD in a severe form.
        Suicide attempts, constant
        nightmares and continuous
        flashbacks haunted me for many
        years after.  Of course I asked
        God on many occasions for help
        but wasn’t seem to be heard.
        Or so I thought.  The process
        of recovery really began with
        me writing things down which
        has lead me to writing for other
        veterans in the same position.
        This lead to me actually opening
        a centre to help others with the
        same condition.  Time and time
        again, we helped ex-servicemen
        and women who had been down
        the same road.  This process
        healed me.

        God had used me as a tool for
        the good of so many others.
        Yes, he helped me but he used
        his perfect timing .  He used all
        of my experiences to the very best effect.  If   for God to use me to the maximum effect.
        he had just helped me when I asked for it,   Maybe that is something to bear in mind if
        many of the veterans we helped would still   you have not been answered yet.                                                                                                             25 |
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