Page 29 - Have Faith Nov
P. 29
Day 22
Do you need the Doctor... Romans 3:9-19
When you have an ailment the best place because I saw too many people that went to
for you to be is in your local doctor surgery church purely because it was the right thing to
where he can advise the best remedies and do and by them going to church meant they
treatments to get you back on your feet. Our were all spiritually healthy. I used to find these
physical health is something we all need to very people would scorn if you were guilty of
take care to the best of our ability. Even down sins which they didn’t approve of.
to eating well, taking regular exercise and
reducing our stress levels. But when it goes To me, these people were all sick but were
a little wrong, off to the doctors and get help. ignoring the symptoms. In my mind, we go
yes? to church not only to Worship our Lord but to
be healed of our spiritual ailments. Without
Our Spiritual health is just as important but exception, that is all of us. None of us are
in many ways we overlook the importance perfect or without sin. Jesus didn’t give his
because it doesn’t effect the daily running of life for all of the good people of the world, he
our lives. Or does it? actually gave his life for those sin the most so
they could be healed.
One particular passage from the Bible sticks
in my mind and is just so true. At Matthew If we go to our GP and hold back on our
9:12 Jesus said “It is not the healthy who need symptoms, how can we expect them to give us
a doctor, but the sick.” This one passage really the right treatment? So next time you are in
brings to me the true weakness of humanity. Church, let the Lord know all of your spiritual
For some time, I avoided going to church illnesses so he can treat you properly. 29 |