Page 33 - Have Faith Nov
P. 33

Day 26

        Speaking to the Masses                                              1 Corinthians 14:21–22

        To speak to a great many people, all one   But let’s flip the coin for a second.  This week,
        needs do is flick the old PC on and jump on   Jane and I had a day out in Birmingham City
        to the many social media platforms that very   Centre.  While we were there I noticed a man
        much seem to dominate our lives these days.    standing in the middle of the street speaking
        It really couldn’t be much easier to get your   of God and the Bible.  Nothing new in this day
        messages out there.  The thing is much of what   and age, we see this in every Town and City
        we say is merely flicked over and not really   we come across.  But what struck me is that
        taken in.  Why? Because there is just so much   absolutely no one was listening.  Two thoughts
        to read.  If we were to take the time to read   came to my mind.  Was it because all of that
        everything that popped up on our time-lines,   information is available at our fingertips
        we would probably spend the entire day just   and nobody needs to listen to some nutcase
        catching up on the gossip.  Yes, technology has   preaching away.  After all, who is he to preach
        really advanced.                    to us?
        But let’s take a step back a couple of thousand   Then the second thought hit me.  Just how
        years to the time when Jesus was stood on the   hard was it for Jesus’s disciples to go fourth
        mount speaking to the people.  Obviously,   into the world and spread the good news?
        He didn’t have such luxuries as PC’s, Mobile   I wondered if times had really changed so
        Phones, Tablets etc.  Yet, He used the best   much.
        form of communication that has ever been
        given to us.  The word of mouth.  When he   Yet, here we are 2000 years later still hearing
        spoke, his voice carried truth and love.  Two   the same word.  Through perseverance and
        sentiments that are very difficult to clearly   great sacrifice they succeeded but it took so
        show by tapping on a keyboard.  Not impos-  much courage and determination.  Maybe I
        sible, but very difficult.  You may feel it when   won’t judge the man on the street so much in
        you write it but does the reader really get what   future.  Just something to mull over today.
        you mean.
        When Jesus gave us His prayer,
        every single word embedded itself
        so deeply that it is still said through-
        out Christian world today.  How
        powerful is that?  Just by speaking
        to that group of people, the words
        spread like wildfire throughout the

        Of course, with modern technol-
        ogy you could spread the word a
        million times faster to a massive
        audience but how many these days
        would bother to take it in if it just
        popped up as a post on your page?
        I wonder.                                                                                                             33 |
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