Page 30 - Have Faith Nov
P. 30

Day 23

        Love Changes Everything...                                                       John 13:34-35

        I do love that song.  It brings all the highs and
        lows of that precious four letter word which   In short, I will never be convinced by any
        is the big gift that all of us are given.  If ever   scientist that love is anything but a gift from
        we needed evidence that there is a God then   God.  All of the recording teachings of Jesus
        in my eyes, Love is the proof.  How else could   revolved around love. Why on earth would we
        we explain the origins of the most powerful   think otherwise.
        emotion we have.   In fact when we look at the
        arguments between science and spirituality,   One of the great things with love is it comes in
        I challenge our physicists and other brain   abundance. You can keep giving it to people
        boxes to explain what puts love in to our lives.    and you never have to ration how much you
        Of course the argument can come back as   give away.  In fact, one of my favourite artists,
        chemical reactions that causes an emotional   Neil Diamond once said in one of his songs,
        response but how did these emotional   “Love’s a gift that’s made for giving, you give
        reactions start?  How did the human mind   it all away but have it still”.  How true is this.
        design itself to have such a powerful gift?  No   So, as per all of my reflections, I do hope you
        matter what answer our scientists give us, I   take a look at the love you give and the love
        will keep asking why and what is the reason   you receive and make the most of the most
        for it.                             valuable gift God ever gave us.

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