Page 31 - Have Faith Nov
P. 31
Day 24
God’s Gifts in Abundance... Acts 14:17
November can be a very dreary month here of the New Forest in the South of England
in the UK. The weather has cooled, the wind with our house being just a stones throw
blows a little stronger, the rain is constant from the seaside. My friends and I were keen
but it is all just part of God’s yearly cycle. surfers and were spoilt by a great beach that
Balancing our resources in perfect harmony. faced the Atlantic ocean. When the sea was
At least as much as can be without bringing rough, we would watch the sheer power of the
in the Global warming issues. That aside, forces in front of us. We would wait for the
when our seasons change, the land rests sea to calm a little which would leave perfect
and replenishes. The old fruits of summer waves shaped by God himself. Again, all part
disappear, the winter clears the trees ready of the circle of life.
for the spring when the new shoots begin to
bloom ready for a new harvest. The wind, I’ve had my fair share of gifts from God and
rain and sun are all tools that make this cycle the world and have been lucky enough to have
possible regardless of how miserable it may been able to use it as my playground. So the
make the day look, we do need it. Of course next time you look out of the window and
we do question this when those nasty storms see the wind howling and the rain lashing
hit. Especially the devastating conditions. But down, don’t feel depressed or miserable over
they say the Lord moves in mysterious ways. it. Just think of it as God going about his
Maybe there’s a reason for them, who knows. business using the worlds natural processes to
rejuvenate things ready for the coming year.
In my youth, I spent so much time with In fact, get out there and enjoy it as we did
nature. I was born and raised in the best of as kids. It really is a wonderful place to be in
both worlds really. Our town sat on the edge when you think about it. 31 |