Page 34 - Have Faith Nov
P. 34
Day 27
The Wonderous Book... Genesis 1
The Bible, for me is a never ending source of No matter the version, take a while to
inspiration and guidance. It is written in the appreciate the immense workmanship in
perfect way for us to achieve the very best in the verses. No other book in history could
our lives, not only spiritually but also in our ever come close to it. Of course, it is written
day to day existence. It truly is an amazing by man’s hand but I cannot help feel it’s
piece of work. creativeness is God. Although human hands
wrote the text, God was the author through
The artwork in it’s construction is flawless. those hands if you see what I mean.
In my eyes it is like the grandest Church in
paperform. Yet despite it’s grandeur, it is free As I have said numerous times, I like to use
for all of us to own. Why, because it is simply, it as a guide to life. I can never go wrong if I
the word of God. stick to it’s instructions and follow what has
been written. I do have areas where I tend to
There are several versions of the Bible but the revisit over and over again, the New Testament
messages remain the same in them all. To me, is really where I get so much benefit but that
the different versions do not make any real doesn’t say that the rest of the Bible is not as
difference to me. It’s funny but I have seen important. It all is.
people arguing about the different versions for
some very petty reasons and I had to feel they SO, try to take a few moments each day to
were missing the point a little. Mere mortal pick up your own Bible and read a passage or
man finding faults in such an incredible book two. Don’t force yourself to over-read or stick
instead of getting involved in all that is right in to a strict regime, just simply read what you
it. But again, just my thoughts. want. That way you will maintain the desire to
return and learn. The army taught me that.
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