Page 24 - Have Faith Nov
P. 24
Day 19
Trust in God... Matthew 6:25
It’s no surprise that we can live in a difficult fragile stone to stand on.
world these days. So many things can cause
us to feel unsure of ourselves and also so can Have you ever had a moment when a friend or
family member has let you down
at an important time? I think we
all have at some point. I certainly
have. Maybe you’ve even been
the one doing the letting down. It
doesn’t mean we, or our friends are
bad people. Sometimes life just
gets in the way and some situations
are unavoidable.
Many times when I have felt on my
own or isolated from my friends, I
have taken a few moments to ask
God for help. It’s a bit of a habit of
mine now. One thing I can be sure
of is that he never turns me away or
ever gets tired of me asking him for
help. He is that reliable,
To ask for help from God is
actually quite a test of your Faith.
You are literally trusting someone
you have never seen. With this in
mind it can be confusing when the
answers to our questions are no. If
God says no, then there is a reason
for it, like a parent, if your request
is not in your interest then it would
be wrong for him to say yes. That
really then comes down to us. Ask
yourself if you are being fair to God
in asking to help in your situation.
One thing I will always be sure of,
he hears every request and always
ensures that we can handle the
situations we are in. But remember
that God answers in his time,
people. Unfortunately people can be very not ours. That is always right. His timing is
damaging to our self confidence. Especially always at the moment when you will get the
when we value their opinions. It can be a very maximum benefit from his reply. Read on...
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