Page 20 - Have Faith Nov
P. 20

Day 15

        Chase your dreams...                                                                     Proverbs 3:6

        Do you, or have you ever wanted to achieve   good.  At the end of the gig, the boss came
        something in your life but felt it is out of   over to me and congratulated me on my guitar
        reach?  I certainly have.  In fact, it is only   playing.  Wow!  That had never happened
        recently I’m realising one of my goals.  It’s only   before.  So I decided to take a little time out
        a little thing but it has meant a lot to my self   and learn a few more of these style of tunes.
        esteem and my feeling of self worth amongst   Before I knew it I was playing more and more
        others.  Really, I shouldn’t be too concerned   complicated and demanding tunes, quite
        at what others think, only what I think but yet   successfully I may add, then Bingo!  I took a
        again, I’m only human.              step back and looked at what I had done.  I
                                            had become a pretty darn good player without
        Ok, so here it is.  I have been playing guitar for   even noticing.  I still have a lot to learn but I
        around 36 years.  I really enjoy sitting down   had overcome the demon telling me I wasn’t
        in a quiet room and just playing away.  A real   good enough.
        nice way of chilling out.  I also sing and write
        songs.  That is something I do know I’m pretty   There it was, the enemy was controlling my
        good at, not wanting to blow my own trumpet   mind telling me I couldn’t do it.  I believe that
        but I do feel comfortable with my abilities.    God got involved and paved the way for me
        However, as a guitarist, I have never felt good   to overcome the disbelief in myself.  After all,
        with the way I play which has caused the odd   playing these nice tunes just puts a smile in
        issue when I’ve played with bands and while   peoples hearts which is not a bad thing.  I do
        I’ve been gigging.  I’ve felt a bit of a fake to be   enjoy making people smile.
                                            So I think for today, reflecting on your self
        Just recently, I learnt to play one of the guitar   doubt on that goal you’ve always wanted
        tunes I had loved ever since I was a boy.    to achieve, ask yourself if the enemy is just
        Through a bit of perseverance I got it down   scuppering your plans because they are good.
        to a tee.  I then decided to try it out on an   Roll up your sleeves, start small and get bigger.
        audience in my local pub.  The tune went   Before you know it, you will succeed.
        without a hitch which made me feel really

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