Page 21 - Have Faith Nov
P. 21
Day 16
What’s the Rush?... 1 Corinthians 14
A few days ago, my partner and I were driving race is speeding up but missing all of the great
to the shops to pick up a few bits. Nothing stuff we have in the present. All of this fast
unusual about that, just a casual journey living can cause so much stress and bad feeling
without any stress. Or so we thought. As we that you have to wonder is it all worth it.
drove through the centre of town, it seemed
like everyone was trying to escape town before Some years ago, I was posted to Kenya. Life
a disaster struck. It was mayhem. Anyway, we is so different there, very little money, very
got out of town and on to the country roads. few possessions, very little reason to rush
This is something we both love, especially around yet the people seem to be so happy.
around this time of year when the leaves have In particular, I speak about the tribesman of
started to change colour. The golds, oranges, the Masaii. They live very nomadic lifestyles
yellows and all the other breathtaking shades mostly just tending to their cattle. The big
really add to natures wonder. difference between us and them is they really
appreciate what they have and are truly one
Annoyingly, the madness from town seemed with the land they live in. It is so humbling to
to follow us as cars passed us at breakneck see people with so little, so happy.
speeds still trying to either getaway from the
pending apocalypse or get to their destination I certainly cannot sit here and tell people how
first before everybody else. I had to ask myself to live their lives in any particular way but I
why do people have to go so mad and miss so would ask for you all to take a look around
much. you every now and then and really appreciate
what you have. Thank God for the gifts you
Life is very much the same. It seems that have while you have them and don’t be in
everyone is trying to get ahead of the game as such a hurry to get to the end of the race.
quickly as they can. Kids are trying to grow Once these wonderful days pass, they;ve gone
up too fast, people stress to get the very latest forever.
technology, employees are ruthlessly climbing
the corporate ladder not caring who they step Those golden leaves will fall soon and the tree
on to do it, our roads, as we mentioned are will be bare for the winter so enjoy the beauty
getting faster and faster, it seems the whole rat while it lasts. God really is a great artist. 21 |