Page 23 - Have Faith Nov
P. 23

Day 18

        Acceptance                                                                                Romans 15:1-7

        This can be a bit of a weird time of year for   a diverse world with beliefs ranging widely.
        me.  Although the festive season is not quite   Buddhism, Islam, Jewish, Hindu to name
        upon us, the appearance of the Christmas   just a couple.  Each having Faith in their own
        season in the shops always seems to warm me   religious persuasion.  It’s easy to see how our
        a little and commence my own celebrations,   minds can come in to conflict.  With so much
        albeit well over a month too soon.  One of my   diversity, how do we come to terms with this
        favourite past-times, much to the annoyance   so we all live in peace?
        of my every suffering other half, is the dreaded
        Christmas movies.  I absolutely love ‘em.  For me, it comes down to two words.
                                            Judgement and Acceptance.  Firstly, who am
        Already this year, I have sent her completely   I to judge others in what they believe?  Am I
        round the bend with umpteen versions of the   above them just because I think in a different
        Christmas Carol, Santa Claus movies and,   way?  To do so would undermine the lessons
        one of my favourites, A Miracle of 34th Street.    Jesus taught us.  Secondly, to accept our fellow
        Yes, I am a big kid at heart but I find them   man is to fulfil one the biggest things Jesus
        warming and often with many messages.  In   taught us.  Love our fellow man as we love
        my favourite, it speaks about trusting in what   ourselves.  Is this really so hard to do? Well,
        is not seen and accepting that it exists.  The   maybe sometimes, as humans, we can fall foul
        very foundation for our Faith.  The word Faith   of this.  But one of the big ways I get over this
        is defined as trusting in what we cannot see.   is to simply think what others think of me and
        Of course, the movie is about Santa and it is   the way I hold my Faith.  If I want others to
        just a movie but accepting our Faith is a major   accept me, then I must accept them.
        point of trust.
                                            Thankfully, my poor suffering partner accepts
        But what about other Faith’s?  We live in such   me fully.  God bless her.                                                                                                             23 |
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