Page 18 - Have Faith Nov
P. 18
Day 13
Just a dropped stitch... 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
It is true that failure and losing are essential away, I had to fail a few times more before I
parts of success and winning. I look with awe saw the road I needed to walk down to win. I
at a friend of mine who has just competed in haven’t won yet but I feel my first title is just
a major Motor Racing series. Now it is only around the corner.
his second season in such a huge competition
but yet, at the final race he found himself Looking at Psalms, I found this: Psalm 37:23-
in a position to win the championship. 24 “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one
Unfortunately, he had a mechanical problem who delights in him, though he may stumble,
in the last race and he missed his chance. He he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with
was so close. Yet, I feel that this was a vital his hand.”
lesson which may lead to him becoming a true
champion in the near future. Lyricist and Novelist Paulo Coelho once wrote
“Defeat is for the valiant. Only they will know
As I write this, I’m sure the disappointment the honour of losing and the joy of winning. I
will still be poking away at him but with the am not here to tell you that defeat is a part of
willingness to keep trying and that old virtue, life: we all know that. Only the defeated know
patience, I’m sure success will follow. Love. Because it is in the realm of love that we
fight our first battles – and
Contrary to popular belief, losing and failure generally lose. I am here to tell you that there
are nothing more than processes to success are people who have never been defeated. They
and normally happen when you are not ready are the ones who never fought. They managed
to win or succeed yet. The important thing to avoid scars, humiliations, feelings of
here is to keep trying. This has been such a helplessness, as well as those moments when
hard, personal battle for me personally. The even warriors doubt the existence of God.’’
amount of times I have almost given up over No matter how many times you have failed
my own illness is unreal but every time I or lost, you are not a loser or failure. You just
think that way, there is a very small part of me haven’t won or succeeded yet.
that pushes me on to keep trying and to keep
living. I know in my heart that the little bit of I recall a saying in a certain TV programme:
me is starting to get bigger and bigger because ‘Failure is just a dropped stitch in life’s
I asked for God’s help. I didn’t get help straight tapestry’
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