Page 17 - Have Faith Nov
P. 17

Day 12

        Signs...                                                                                         Galatians 6:7-8

                                            for fresh cream cakes.  Certainly not a sin or
                                            nothing wrong with that until you look at my
                                            health.  I have coronary heart disease.  I have
                                            had two stents fitted already simply because
                                            my body doesn’t deal with Cholesterol very
                                            well.  A few years ago, I ended up in hospital
                                            on the critical list after having a particular
                                            nasty bout of Angina.  Thankfully, it was
                                            sorted and for the most part I’m now back to
                                            being healthy but I have been warned not to
                                            indulge. So why do I ignore the signs when
                                            faced with these fantastically tasting cream
                                            cakes? It’s simple.  I’m weak.  Because there is
                                            something where I am going to get an awful
                                            lot of pleasure from, I take the chance and
                                            ignore the danger signs.
                                            Ok, that is a whimpish example but the
                                            principal is the same across the board.
                                            Mentally we outweigh the risks in our
                                            mind and we choose to go with what makes
        How does a bird know when to fly when the   us happy in the moment and ignore the
        air is cool in the autumn sky...  I wrote that   consequences.  Not a good idea when we think
        line for a song some years ago.  The song was   about it.
        actually called ‘Signs’.  The song was full of
        those type of lines, examining why things   So without harping on about the ‘ifs’ and
        happen.  The song was never meant to be a   ‘whys’ lets remind ourselves of a few things
        great mystery trying to figure out the ways of   to give us a little extra strength when we are
        life, it was simply a song about recognising the   making those decisions.  I need to remind
        signs that present themselves to us.  myself that God never lets us bite off more
                                            than we can chew, (excuse the pun).  In 1
        But we don’t have to be that poetic to see   Corinthians 10:13 Paul tells us that God
        those signs.  Making it very basic, the sign   always provides us with a way out.  This is
        that we need to eat is when we get hungry, the   where we need to look for the signs.  Not
        sign that we need to sleep is we get tired.  No   ignore them.  For me, maybe putting my hand
        rocket science there.               over my heart will remind me that I have a
                                            problem.  My heart is my sign.  It will require
        So why is it that when we get the signs that we   a little sacrifice but in the grand scheme
        are about to go wrong, we ignore them?  I’m   of things, it’s not a big one.  Another good
        not talking of anything in particular here so   incentive is to look at the sacrifices Jesus made
        I will keep it basic.  Actually, here is one of   for us.  Let’s learn to be true Christians.
        mine.  It’s not exactly the crime of the century
        but something I need to avoid because of a   Please look for the signs in your daily lives and
        serious reason, but don’t.  I am a real sucker   ask yourselves, are you being shown the way?                                                                                                             03 |
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