Page 12 - Have Faith Nov
P. 12

Day 9

        Competition...                                                                    Ecclesiastes 2:22-26

        I have a really unique position in my home   determined to tell others that what they know
        town. Apart from all of the charity work we   and do is better.
        do, I also indulge myself in the music world
        which, in our town, is quite a cut-throat world   Just to give you something to think about, and
        of who is the best, who plays the guitar the   remember I only use quotes from the bible to
        best, who sings the best, who makes the most   keep myself pointed in the right direction, I
        money. Amazingly, one question that never   found this in James 4:1. ‘What causes quarrels
        seems to come up is, who enjoys what they do   and what causes fights among you? Is it not this,
        the most just because they love doing it?  that your passions are at war within you?’
                                            Is this not exactly what we have been talking
        I play music and sing which isn’t everybody’s   about? When the competitive spirit gets
        cup of tea but I love doing it. Not because I get   into us we can lose sight of what is really
        paid lots of money (I don’t but that’s not the   important.
        point) not because I’m better than everybody
        else or not because I’m trying to make it big.   Another passage that really sticks in my mind
        Simply because I really love making people   is found at Psalm 118:22 ‘The stone that the
        happy with what I do and having fun with   builders rejected has become the cornerstone.’
        my friends.  No competition, no stress, no   In fact this is found in many passages
        worries, just fun.                  throughout the bible including in the Gospels.
                                            In fact, in my eyes, if it is repeated so much
        The world today seems to be obsessed   that it is a lesson God really wants us to take
        with competition. Being the best, better   on board. If you win the race, you do not learn
        than everybody else. I find this to be quite   humility. But he who is at the bottom can only
        an aggressive trait which seems to be all   climb to reach the stars.
        over, including in world conflicts. People
                                                             So, anyway back to
                                                             playing music. No I’m
                                                             not the best guitarist,
                                                             in fact far from it. I am
                                                             not the best singer by
                                                             a long way but being
                                                             who I am is just where
                                                             I want to be. Enjoying
                                                             what I do and enjoying
                                                             making others happy.

                                                             I hope whatever you
                                                             do makes you happy
                                                             in life. Never lose sight
                                                             of why you enjoy it
                                                             and never enjoy what
                                                             you do for the wrong

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