Page 7 - Have Faith Nov
P. 7
Day 4
Try and try again... Hebrews 12:1-3
Somebody once said that perseverance is the
virtue of trying again, and then trying again,
and again, until we achieve our goal.
Nothing great was ever accomplished without
perseverance. Some people have marvellous
natural gifts and are capable of wonderful
things. But they lack staying power. When
they meet something that doesn’t come easily
to them they lack the patience to master it.
They are outdone by people who will carefully
and painfully devote themselves to learning
the skill they need.
People who persevere aren’t always the
ones who make the headlines. They don’t
necessarily shine and glitter. But they have
worth, because they know what’s of value in tested. One thing that kept driving me forward
this world and they’re prepared to work for it. was the thought of what state I was in a few
Perseverance is a Christian virtue. The apostle years ago. The thought that I would be giving
Paul writes about it: he was tempted to give up up on people in the same position was too
his missionary work because it was so hard, strong. I couldn’t let people down.
but he kept going. Without his perseverance,
you would not be reading this. Maybe there is a moral to that story in finding
a reason to go on. Not rocket science but if,
As veterans, it is quite often the case where when life is getting on top of you, you can
we feel like giving up. We no longer have the remember how life was like, good or bad and
strength to continue fighting. But thankfully, use that to drive forward. If life was good, try
for the very large majority, they find that bit of to reach it again. Try to remember there is an
soldier/ airman or sailor deep down inside end to everything, including bad times. Just
that manages to bring forward the survival keep trying.
If times were bad then try to imagine just how
Just recently, I, or should I say we, have been experienced in life you are and how you can
challenged to find money to keep the Veteran use your experiences to help others.
Centre open. It has been very difficult, full of
rejections, lots of frustration and our patience This magazine and the Tommy Atkins Centre
has been stretched to the limit. Finally, we did have been created on this premise alone. Most
it. We finally got our local councils to listen of all, just remember however hard life is,
and dip in to their funds to support the great or however hard your challenge is just keep
work the staff at the centre are doing. But there trying and you will succeed. If you still haven’t
were many times when we wanted to throw succeeded, maybe the time just hasn’t been
the towel in and give up. Those moments right or you haven’t been ready to succeed. But
never lasted too long but we did truly feel it will come, just keep trying and don’t give up. 07 |