Page 9 - Have Faith Nov
P. 9
Day 6
Choices & Blame... Ecclesiastes 9:1-18
one but these days to rectify the mistake, we
just pick up the remote, press a button and the
job is done.
Not so easy in life. Choices we make in life
will have good and bad consequences, but we
have to stand by the decisions we make and
learn the lessons whether good or bad. This
is because we are given the free will to make
choices. Bear this fact in mind for later in the
Now to blame. Have you ever blamed anyone
for something that has happened only to find
you were wrong? I have, on many occasions.
But there is one form of blame that makes me
very uncomfortable, unfortunately, I hear it
over and over again. When someone loses a
loved one or there is a violent attack or war,
I hear ‘There can’t be a God if he lets this
happen’ or words to that effect. It is very easy
to blame someone when we can’t explain what
has happened. Our thoughts can get very
Let’s start with Choices. I have to confess to confused and we tend to strike out at any
being a bit of a movie buff. I have all of the avenue that is open. Unfortunately, God takes
movie sites on my PC, Netflix, Now TV, Sky his fair share of the blame. I have realised that
Movies, you name it, I’ve got it. I have an God has to allow nature to take its course
extensive collection of DVD’s including many even when events lead to major tragedies. He
comedy box collections, war movies, action cannot upset the natural balance of the world
movies, musicals (Can’t believe I’ve just by intervening. He has to let us, as individuals,
confessed to that one) plus lots of old classics. make choices and stand by the consequences.
Yet, when it comes to watching a movie with That way we learn and improve ourselves.
my partner, it takes me an eternity to find Even wars, started by men making choices.
something we both like. I think back some Not God. He cannot save us from worldly
years ago when my dad bought his first VCR. events, illnesses, violence and conflicts. It
He had just two or three films and five TV would be wrong for him to do that.
stations to watch but all of us would sit around
the old box and have a good movie night. But despite all of this it doesn’t mean that he
has walked away. He is still there for us to talk
The trouble these days is, we have far too to, to lean on and to look after those that leave
much choice. We please ourselves and make us. At times of pain, God is our comfort, not
that decision on what we watch just by the our blame object. Just something worth
way we feel and what we fancy. We have that thinking about.
choice. The choice we make may not be a good 09 |