Page 10 - Have Faith Nov
P. 10

Day 7

        Walk A Mile...                                                                             Matthew  5:41

        This month’s reflection centres on a project   understand.  Just know that there is a long
        that we undertook last year.   There is an old   road that is walked.
        saying that you should never judge somebody
        unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.   I would like to point out at this point that this
        Never a truer word said. But sometimes to   is for everyone, not just Veterans but in light
        understand a person you need to walk a mile   of certain events I would like to keep with
        in their shoes.  This was so apparent to us as   our heroes. Our idea was to walk a mile for a
        we tried to get the public to understand the   certain group of people. 80 of them in fact. I
        road our veterans walk.             could never understand what they have been
                                            through but as I walk, I will consider how they
        In this day and age, news stories come and go   have suffered on their journey. You see, these
        so quickly one can be forgiven for forgetting   80 took their own lives last year. I walked in
        the problems of other people.  Especially when   my old Army boots as they did and I tried to
        we are caught up in our own day to day lives.  get people to understand what I was doing
        This can make awareness of the problems of   and why I was doing it in the hope that more
        others so difficult. The thing is regardless of   people could walk a mile for someone they
        how empathic we feel for somebody, there is   know that may be suffering. I know that God
        no way we can walk a mile in somebody else’s   was with me and gave me strength to complete
        shoes. All we can really do is try to understand   the task.
        the best we can. But it can be a good idea to
        take the time to try to understand someone a   Maybe this is something you could do for peo-
        little more. Learn about what has made that   ple who you know are walking their particular
        person good and bad. The more you know, the  difficult journey.  Yes, you will never know
        more you can start to walk a metaphorical   what they are going through but it may help
        mile but without this understanding and   to let others understand their journey a little
        knowledge their shoes will never fit you.  more.  You never know, it could save a life.

        No one can really understand what Armed   Unfortunately, as I write this we have lost so
        Forces Veterans have been through unless   many more veterans in this tragic way but we
        you have served alongside of them.  And   never give up on them.  Jesus never gave up on
        even then, that would mean physically being   us at any point despite the incredible suffering
        alongside them on duty. That is the only way.    he had to bear.  Maybe a good incentive to use
        But as I said, no-one can be expected to fully   when walking your mile.

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