Page 15 - Have Faith Nov
P. 15

A Brand New Look

        conflict raged so hard.  With that said,   But let’s get back to the faith I needed to
        let’s pick up the story.            sort out.  I had been raised as a Catholic.
                                            Something I could not go back to after
        ...So there I am, A Catholic raised,   serving in Northern Ireland.  My big
        battle hardened veteran with a million   problem was my past.  How could I tell
        life questions running around my head   people I was a Christian when I had lived
        with no answers.  The mental health   a very unchristian existence?  My answer
        professionals could not get to the root   came after reading about St Paul.  I
        of my PTSD, my Faith had literally been   related to him so much.  He, like me had
        smashed to pieces in the military, and I   an unchristian past.  Yet, he turned to our
        was at the point of losing all hope.  Yet I   Lord as you all well know and gave his
        found myself sat in the military chapel of   life in the Word of Christ.  I think the big
        a Cathedral (It seemed the right place for   point for me was, he was human.  Had
        me to be) asking for God’s help.    human faults, had human tendencies
                                            and yet showed that change was possible.
        I was answered.  Not straight away, and   That was it.
        not in any way which would challenge
        reality but subtly and in the right timing.    So, for me I have become a student of
        It came with the urge to write down   Christianity.  Let me explain how I see
        everything in my head.  I don’t know why   that.  Firstly, I still do not feel worthy to
        as I was never academical or anything   call my self a Christian.  But my learning
        special with the English language but   to be one has begun.  I am still making
        I had to just write.  The result was   mistakes, though not as big as they were,
        spectacular.  I wrote a poem which   I still do not know everything I should
        seemed to spark the beginning of the end   about my faith but I have the rest of my
        of the PTSD.  I can remember weeping   life to learn as much as I can.  My final
        uncontrollably for hours after writing it.    test will be standing in front of God
        When I calmed down, for the first time in  on the day of my Judgement.  If I am
        years, I felt a sense of relief and peace,    welcomed into His house, I will have
                                            qualified to be a Christian.
        The next 5 years, in short saw me create
        a whole network of assistance to help   To me, this thinking will keep me on a
        veterans.  I have to say, so many lives   good and true path but I will always be
        were not only changed but certainly   open to learning and not in a position
        saved.  The bottom line was, I was now   which puts me above myself.  So I have
        doing the job that God had wanted me to   begun by writing my reflections and
        do,  Everything I had been through, had   thoughts in the hope that they may be of
        learnt, had suffered was all parts of God’s   use to others.  Where I go from here, I do
        plan for me to be in exactly the right   not know but I’m sure God does and he
        position to help others.  God truly had   will let me know in his own good time,
        answered,  Not only had he answered me,   After all his timing is faultless.
        he had been there all along,                                                                                                             03 |
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