Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 13

Lots of scientists, primarily pulmonolo- do, hapkido, judo and many others. The
              gists, but also others as sport trainers  right breathing implies deep  breathing
              and  parents have  been asking  them- caused by diaphragm and chest move-
              selves if asthma patients should take up  ment. It  is also important to expire com-
              any sport and which would be the most  pletely , which enables the next complete

              convenient. It is undisputed that inten- breath. The right breathing technique is
              sive training in certain circumstances  practiced at  the very beginning of mar-
              can trigger the asthma attack or it can  tial art practice and many trainers em-
              increase the risk together with some  phasize its importance.
              other factors.

              Nowadays, at the beginning of 21th cen-
              tury, there is a prevailing opinion that
              a certain physical activity helps fight-
              ing the illness, reducing and alleviating
              symptoms. The activities suggested  by
              physicians include swimming in warm-

              er water and exercising in more humid
              air, walking, yoga, workouts, short track
              running, light cycling etc. The patients
              should, of course, take care of the envi-        MARTIAL ARTS
              suggest taking up some other sports  AGAINST  ASTHMA ATTACKS
              ronment and themselves.  Doctors often

              as martial arts. In fact, it is not widely
              known that the exercises from martial  All in all, during a sport activity the

              arts are the most suitable for asthma  depth of breathing is increased while
              patients. There are lots of yoga exercis- respiration is reduced , thus the lungs
              es in martial arts that were introduced  capacity is enlarged, and circulation
              by Bodhidharma in Shaolin  round  520  and heart function are improved. The
              AD. Martial arts require fast and explo- appropriate breathing technique re-
              sive movements among which there are  duces muscle tensions which causes the
              short, but very useful pauses for asthma  right muscular distribution. Frequent
              patients. The practitioners often per- martial arts practice reduces weight.
              form short running and a kind of work- Obese people have the problem that fat
              outs. Most of martial arts pay attention  tissues reduce breathing functions and
              to a special breathing technique. Such a          can cause respiratory inflammation.
              technique is performed in kung- fu (chi

              kung, tai chi chuan, pa qua etc.)  in ka- The  martial  arts  exercises  can  be  per-
              rate (for katas-sanchin, tensho etc.) ,in  formed  both inside and in the open air.
              tae kwon do (forms), but also in aiki- By practicing martial arts children

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