Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 15

tance in the event of an attack. Most  ness or fear that is present in the child.
              coaches have some knowledge about  Of course, a certain stress in combina-
              asthma, but they won’t mind if they are  tion with other
              reminded of certain methods of first aid

              in patients with asthma. The advantage  factors may be one of the causes of asth-
              of martial arts coaches in relation to  ma attacks with the child. If this hap-
              some from other sports is the fact that  pens, don’t let the first impression fool
              they are usually better informed of a va- you, don’t  immediately conclude that a
              riety of sport injuries.                         child,  who is  sick, is  afraid of  fighting.
                                                               Basically, most of these children later
              Lots of parents wonder  whether the  become very successful  competitors.
              coach will react and know to help their  One of the reasons for  this is that, due
              child at the time of an asthma attack.  to their illness they are very disciplined
              Martial arts coaches, due to their cool- in training, which is necessary for the
              ness, and because of various injuries  martial arts.

              they have already seen, will certainly be
              willing  to  help your  child.  A child  with  It is very important that such a child un-
              asthma attacks can start panicking,  derstands the importance of discipline
              but you can be sure that a martial arts  and self-control in the martial arts as
              coach will not panic, but be mindful, fo- well as of healthy lifestyle and the im-
              cused and helpful. The coach’s coolness  portance of physical exercise. The mar-
              will help the child to calm down, relax  tial arts coach may often, easier  than
              and  start   to  breathe easier  and  more  the child’s parents, instruct the child
              regularly. In the case of an attack, the  to a certain strict regimen of life that

              child may sit, take the medicine and the  he(she) must  carry out. Such children
              coach should see if the child takes med- accept discipline in training, as well as
              ication properly. Remember, the person  a sport mode of life better and faster
              who suffers from asthma must never be  than other ones.They hardly ever give
              allowed to exercise with you if there is no  up  training, even if all of their group
              cure. There can be several months with- do. They’ll come to the training even
              out asthmatic attacks, or the attacks  sick and the coach will sometimes have
              appear in a smaller and milder form, and  to slow them down or stop for their own
              then quite suddenly there is a strong at- safety.
                                                                Do not be surprised if such a child af-

              Some coaches can confuse an asthma  ter a certain period of training requires
              attack with a panic attack. Sometimes it  that the coach puts him (her) in a fight.
              happens that a child gets an attack just  The young asthma patients  wants to
              before the fight or a competition, but  show themselves or  to others that they
              some coaches attribute it to nervous- are not only as good as the others but

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