Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 14

strengthen chest muscles  thereby im- ma attacks directly after exercise.  After
                 proving lung  function.  This applies  not  the training it is good to take a shower
                 only to the arts; Kung-fu, karate, tae  with warm water, because it will facili-
                 kwon  do  and  aikido,  which  in  practice  tate the possible symptoms of the dis-

                 require  a  certain  special  breathing          MARTIAL ARTS
                 technique.  In other martial arts and
                 skills such as Judo, BJJ, sambo, boxing,         AGAINST  ASTHMA ATTACKS
                 kick  boxing,  wrestling,  and mixed mar-
                 tial arts and the like., trainees not only
                 develop upper body, especially the arms
                 and shoulders, but also strengthen the
                 muscles of the chest, which positively af-
                 fects the breathing function. Often cer-
                 tain exercises are performed in the open,
                 either along the coast or practicing on

                 the mountain. This method of exercise in
                 the fresh air is especially beneficial for
                 those suffering from asthma who have
                 an allergy to dust mites or dust. Exercise
                 in nature is not recommended in certain
                 season for patients with so-called sea-
                 sonal asthma. Such people should avoid
                 outdoor area at the time of flowering
                 plants, because of pollen in the air. Then  ease, and help with muscle relaxation.

                 they can get asthma attack even if they  Also, people suffering from asthma need
                 perform moderate exercise like thai chi  sports and exercise with short and in-
                 or some kata, which would otherwise be  tensive efforts, followed by a phase of
                 definitely recommended. They should   rest. Resting after exercise is necessary
                 avoid  to go out and exercise in the cold  in order to slowly change  the tempera-
                 air. Patients with asthma, unlike other  ture of the air in the lungs of asthma suf-
                 athletes, have to warm up before exercise  ferers. Patients should take some of the
                 longer, more carefully and more gradual- fast-acting medication just before exer-
                 ly. Practicing martial arts definitely has  cise. Also, they should definitely take a
                 an advantage over other sports because  break, if symptoms of the disease start
                 warming is longer and more thoroughly  to appear. During exercise medication

                 carried out. Such warming will largely  should be always at hand, and taken if
                 prevent tightness in the chest. As they  necessary. It is of most importance  that
                 carefully and gradually warm up asth- in the first training  the patients warn
                 ma patients should slowly and gradually  the coach of  their disease, and inform
                 cool the body in order to prevent asth- him of the methods of providing assis-

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