Page 17 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 17

stabilization levels of estrogen can have  At the training, nothing can be performed
            positive effects on asthma. The level of  without the permission of the coach, so
            hormones in women drastically changes  that asthma patients will not be allowed

            during the menstrual cycle, but the most  to perform exercises that are not appro-
            dangerous period for an asthma attack  priate for them if the coach has not ap-
            is just before the start of menstruation.  proved.
            Any woman who suffers from asthma and
            wants to exercise and be active should  For martial arts coaches the following
            take account of that period.                       issues are very important: the persons
                                                               suffering from asthma who practice judo,
            Also, it is desirable to know that women  wrestling, sambo, BJJ, MMA, etc., must be
            who exercise during menopause more of- aware of  the fact that in the hall there
            ten receive asthma attack.                         will be a certain amount of dust or mites.
                                                               With each roll ie. fall, a certain amount of

            Martial arts have plenty of advantages  dust rises up. This won’t  harm other prac-
            compared to other sports for asthma suf- titioners but people with asthma will feel
            ferers. By training wrestling, judo or BJJ  it. Don’t be surprised  some air freshener
            (MMA), people with asthma strengthen  has been used in the hall, or something to
            their neck and neck muscles, and it also  clean mats. What other exercisers do not
            has a positive effect on the breathing  even notice may interfere with the exer-
            function. Moreover, in these martial arts  cise. Don’t be surprised if the person who
            there are a lot of flexibility exercises and  has asthma during exercise gets irritat-
            stretching exercises, which strengthen  ed with some floral perfume, deodorants,

            the muscles that help in respiratory func- shampoos, and even the material of which
            tion.                                              has been made kimono. All of the above,
                                                               in combination with other allergens, can
            Dealing with these martial arts the prac- cause asthma attacks.
            titioner, in particular strengthens the up-
            per body and chest muscles, which helps  There are top athletes who suffer  from
            with breathing.                                    asthma, too. Thus, among them there are
                                                               champions of the largest sports compe-
            The main characteristic of martial arts  titions, such as World Championships or
            clubs is discipline, something  that per- Olympic Games. Some of them are suffer-
            sons suffering from asthma absolutely  ing because of a genetic predisposition,

            need.  All the time the coach must have  but most of them are suffering because
            control over the training of the person  they have been exposed to frequent long-
            who  suffers  from  asthma.  He  is  the  one  term exposure to certain allergens during
            who sets limits to ill persons and takes  prolonged and strenuous exercise.
            care of their condition.

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