Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 16

The coach needs to emphasize the need
                                                                    for healthy eating with such children,

                                                                    and show them the bad habit of consum-
                                                                    ing fast food (various hamburgers, etc.).

                                                                    It is recommended that these children
                                                                    are sent to some camps, and that clubs(-
                                                                    school) know how to organize them .Of
                                                                    course it can’t  bring major health chang-
                                                                    es so soon. In order to achieve it, people
                                                                    suffering from asthma should change the
                                                                    climate, and stay there for at least about
                                                                    three months to get their body adjusted.

                                                                    The best climate is with dry and hot air
                                                                    with no air pollution (such as Egypt or
                                                                    Israel, etc.).

                                                                    The bad thing for such a person is to go
                                                                    first to the mountain shortly after to the
                                                                    sea, because it means changing climate
                                                                    twice, which is not good for them. Also,
                                                                    if they exercise outdoors it is not sug-

                                                                    gested that such persons should exercise
                                                                    near large rivers, or in the valleys, as well
                                                                    as places with high humidity.

                MARTIAL ARTS                                         On the other hand it is recommended to

                                                                    exercise and stay at sea or the mountain.
                AGAINST  ASTHMA ATTACKS                             However, for asthma patients the best

                  even  better.  What  is  interesting  is  the     place to practice is at a certain altitude
                                                                    where the sea and mountain air  mix.
                  fact that they mostly succeed.
                                                                    Martial arts coaches should know that
                  Make sure that children with asthma               women in older age often suffer from
                  take enough amount of liquid water as             asthma. Female hormones, like estrogen,
                  they moisturize the mucous membranes              can affect the respiratory system as well
                  of the respiratory tract and dilute the           as allergens and pollen. The increase or
                  buildup of mucus. Thus they prevent a             decrease  of  estrogen  and  its  fluctua-
                  possible asthma attack.                           tions can trigger an asthma attack. The

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