Page 384 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 384

Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms and Models Chapter | 20  351  X-rays; electrons). Human skin can stop α-particles from  these ionizations occur in the DNA itself (Adams and
                                                                Cox, 1997). Ionizing radiation and oxidative stress are
             penetrating and reaching the internal organs. This is
                                                                closely associated. Irradiated cells produce damaging
             because α-particles deposit most of their energy onto the
             skin and may damage the skin in that process, but are  reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause severe
             unable to penetrate any further. Both α- and β-particles  damage to cellular macromolecules including nuclear
             penetrate cell membranes more easily than they penetrate  DNA (Spitz et al., 2004; Wu et al., 1999). A cell’s oxida-
             human skin. Therefore, ingesting or inhaling radioactive  tive status plays an important role not only at the time of
             chemicals that can emit α-or β-particles can pose serious  radiation exposure, but also long after exposure.
             threats to human health.                           Irradiation may produce ROS for several minutes or even
                In the case of tissue exposure, the energy deposited by  hours after exposure (Spitz et al., 2004).
             the radiation causes ionizations and the generation of free  At the cytological level, the extension of radiation-
             radicals, which cause macromolecular damage. Thus,  induced  DNA  damage  is  chromosome  breakage,
             high-LET radiations are more destructive to biological  nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes, aberrant
             materials than low-LET radiations. At the same dose,  intrachromosomal crossing over, and scrambling of DNA
             low-LET radiations induce the same number of radicals  sequences (Adams and Cox, 1997). Therefore, radiation
             more sparsely within a cell, whereas high-LET radiations  can cause increased genomic instability and the extent of
             transfer most of their energy to a small region of the cell.  damage is dependent on the energy of the radiation. If an
             The localized DNA damage caused by dense ionizations  oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene is mutated or
             from high-LET radiations is more difficult to repair than  severely damaged by radiation, then radiation-induced
             the diffuse DNA damage caused by the sparse ionizations  damage may have serious consequences.
             from low-LET radiations.
                Experimental studies with animals as well as epidemi-
             ological studies indicate that higher or continual radiation  EPIGENETIC BASIS OF CARCINOGENESIS
             exposure increases the incidence of specific cancers, such
                                                                The mechanisms of carcinogenesis discussed above
             as (1) increased incidence of lung cancer among uranium
                                                                mostly involve changes in DNA sequence and/or integ-
             miners, fluorspar miners, zinc and iron ore miners
                                                                rity. However, carcinogenesis has an important epigenetic
             (Adams and Cox, 1997); (2) increased occurrence of oste-
                                                                component as well. As indicated above, nongenotoxic
             osarcoma among workers in luminous dial watch factories
                                                                mechanism of carcinogenesis is epigenetic.
             (workers licked the paint brush to maintain sharp edges
             and in the process consumed radium-226 and radium-228;
             the ingested radium deposited in the bone was the source  Epigenetic Changes During
             of short range α-particles); (3) increased incidence of thy-  Carcinogenesis Have Been Widely Studied
             roid cancer after the Chernobyl incident (those who con-  and Well Documented
             tinued to live in the contaminated region and consumed
             locally produced milk for the 3 months after the accident,  Epigenetic regulation involves heritable changes in gene
             had about 85% of the radiation dose to their thyroid from  expression that are not accompanied by changes in
             iodine-131) (Stsjazhko et al., 1995). Following the  DNA sequence. Three main mechanisms of epigenetic
             Chernobyl incident, the incidence of thyroid cancer  regulation of gene expression are mediated by: (1) DNA
             among children under 15 was 30.6 per million during  methylation, (2) histone modifications, and (3) RNA
             1991 94 as compared to 0.3 during 1981 85. Another  interference  by  small  noncoding  RNA,  such  as
             source of human data on carcinogenesis by ionizing radia-  microRNA (miRNA). Epigenetic changes can collabo-
             tion is from the A-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and  rate with genetic changes to cause the evolution of a
             Nagasaki. Data show that in the first 5 10 years after the  cancer because they are mitotically heritable (Jones and
             exposure, the risk of leukemia increased rapidly but  Baylin, 2007).
             declined thereafter. The risk of solid tumors in many  Studies over the last 30 years or so have confirmed
             organs also increased significantly (Okey et al., 1998).  that the genome in a cancer cell is characterized by
                                                                genome-wide hypomethylation and site-specific promoter
                                                                hypermethylation. Many of these epigenetic changes
             The Mechanism of Radiation-Induced
                                                                probably occur very early in cancer development and may
             Carcinogenesis Involves Severe
                                                                contribute to cancer initiation (Jones and Baylin, 2007;
             Macromolecular Damage
                                                                Sharma et al., 2010).
             and Genomic Instability                              Global DNA hypomethylation basically has two
             An absorbed dose of 1 Gy generates about 2 3 10 ioniza-  effects: it increases genomic instability and activates genes
             tions within the mammalian cell. Approximately 1% of  including growth promoting genes. Hypomethylation
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