Page 381 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 381

348 SECTION | III Nanoparticles, Radiation and Carcinogens  protein complex, (2) unwinding of the DNA duplex
             around the damage, (3) dual incision of the damaged
             DNA strand to remove 30 or more nucleotides creating a
             gap, (4) gap repair synthesis by DNA polymerase, and (5)
             sealing of the gaps by ligase. The damage recognition in
             transcriptionally silent region versus transcriptionally
             active region requires different sets of proteins, but the
             subsequent steps are essentially identical (Fig. 20.5D).
                The MMR mechanism repairs bases that violate
             Watson-Crick base pairing rules. The classic example is
             that of Escherichia coli. The sequence 5 -GATC-3 in
             E. coli DNA is methylated at adenine, and the sequences
             5 -CCAGG-3 and 5 -CCTGG-3 are methylated at cyto-
             sine. When DNA replicates, the daughter strand methyla-
             tion is delayed. As a result, the newly synthesized
             daughter strand remains undermethylated for some time
             compared to the parental strand. If there is a base misin-
             corporation, the MMR machinery (MutS-MutL-MutH
             protein complex) identifies the misincorporated base by
             scanning the methylation status of both strands. The
             mismatched base is excised from the undermethylated
             daughter strand.
                DNA strand breaks are frequently caused by ionizing
             radiation and chemicals that generate free radicals. Single
             strand breaks do not disrupt the integrity of the DNA. The
             intact single strand is coated by Poly(ADP-ribose)
             polymerase-1 (PARP 1) protein near the lesion site of the
             other strand. The single strand break is then repaired  FIGURE 20.6 In homology-directed DNA repair using homologous
             using the excision repair mechanisms already described.  chromosome, the 5 -end of each duplex fragment is resected to create a
             Double strand breaks, on the other hand, are dangerous  long single-stranded 3 -overhang (tail). This is followed by strand inva-
                                                                sion to form a heteroduplex. In the heteroduplex one strand of the
             because they damage the integrity of the DNA. There are
                                                                undamaged duplex becomes displaced and a three-stranded displacement
             two mechanisms for double strand break repair; (1) nonho-  loop (D-loop) is formed. As the DNA synthesis progresses the D-loop
             mologous end joining (NHEJ), and (2) homology-directed  keeps sliding along. Using the undamaged template, DNA synthesis is
             repair. In NHEJ, the broken ends are bound by Ku protein  initiated at the 3 -end of the invading strand. Newly synthesized DNA
             that recruits the necessary nucleases, polymerases, kinases,  regenerates one strand, which is then used as a template to regenerate
                                                                the complementary strand. As always, the gaps are sealed by ligase.
             phosphatases, and ligases. The broken ends are enzymati-
             cally blunt-ended by removing any nucleotide overhangs,
             and the blunt ends are simply rejoined by ligase.
             Therefore, NHEJ results in the loss of some original
             sequence and may even lead to frameshift mutation. In  Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes,
             homology-directed repair, which is the major mechanism  and the Genetic Basis of Carcinogenesis
             of double strand break repair, pairing occurs between the
             damaged DNA and the homologous sequence of the     Cellular Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor
             undamaged duplex (e.g., homologous chromosomes). This  Genes Are Implicated in Carcinogenesis
             results in the repair of the damaged sequence using the  A number of cellular genes are now implicated in carci-
             template of the undamaged DNA. Thus, there is no loss of  nogenesis. These genes are of two types; oncogenes and
             original sequence information (Fig. 20.6).         tumor suppressor genes. Oncogenes are activated form
                Sometimes, a DNA damage lesion can be tolerated, at  of cellular proto-oncogenes that normally encode pro-
             least temporarily, in order to first save the cell from death.  teins necessary for cellular functions. A proto-oncogene
             During replication, translesion synthesis bypasses the  can be activated into an oncogene through structural or
             damage and does not repair it; it is also known as bypass  functional alterations. Broadly speaking, activation of
             synthesis. The bypass can be error-free or error-prone. In  oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes
             the absence of translesion synthesis, a replication fork  may have similar consequences in terms of tumor
             that is stalled for long would cause cell death.   development.
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