Page 385 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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352 SECTION | III Nanoparticles, Radiation and Carcinogens  affects repeat sequences, leading to increased genomic  hematopoietic malignancies; miR-17-92 cluster, which tar-
                                                                gets the proapoptotic gene Bim and is overexpressed in
             instability by promoting chromosomal rearrangements.
                                                                many different types of cancers. In contrast to oncomirs,
             Additionally, hypomethylation of retrotransposons can
             result in their activation and translocation to other geno-  tumor suppressor miRNAs target oncogenes and growth
             mic regions, thus increasing genomic instability. DNA  promoting pathways, and are often down-regulated in
             hypomethylation can activate growth promoting genes  cancers. For example, miR-15 and miR-16 target the antia-
             (proto-oncogenes), thereby inappropriately turning on  poptotic gene BCL2 and are down-regulated in chronic
             mitogenic signals. DNA hypomethylation can also lead to  lymphocytic leukemia; miR-127 targets BCL6 and is
             the loss of genomic imprinting. In contrast, site-specific  down-regulated in prostate and bladder tumors (Sharma
             hypermethylation can contribute to tumorigenesis by  et al., 2010).
             silencing tumor suppressor genes (Sharma et al., 2010).  Clearly, the normal cellular epigenetic landscape is
                Silencing of gene expression in carcinogenesis also  significantly altered in cancer. The underlying mechan-
             involves global loss of transcription-activating histone  isms that initiate these global changes are not fully under-
             modifications, such as acetylation and activating methyla-  stood, and neither are the causative versus correlative
             tion. All known histone acetylations are transcription-  nature of the changes observed. Nevertheless, recent stud-
             activating. In contrast, certain histone methylations are  ies indicate that some changes occur very early in cancer
             transcription-activating, such as histone H4 lysine 20 meth-  development and may contribute to cancer initiation
             ylation, whereas others are transcription-repressing, such as  (Jones and Baylin, 2007; Sharma et al., 2010).
             histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 27 methylation. Loss of his-
             tone acetylation is carried out by histone deacetylase  CLASSIFICATION OF CARCINOGENS
             (HDAC), which is often overexpressed in various types of
             cancer (Sharma et al., 2010). In addition to the loss of  The most widely used system for classifying carcinogens
             transcription-activating modifications, cancer cells also  comes from the International Agency for Research on
             have active transcriptional silencing modifications as well,  Cancer (IARC). The US Environmental Protection Agency
             such as histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 27 methylation.  (EPA) has also developed a very similar classification
                The third arm of epigenetic regulation, the RNA inter-  scheme. In the past 30 years, IARC has evaluated nearly
             ference caused by miRNA, also shows widespread dysre-  1000 chemicals for their cancer-causing potential in
             gulation of expression in carcinogenesis. Because miRNAs  humans. Most of the chemicals that IARC evaluated are
             are involved in transcriptional regulation, cell proliferation  classified as probably or possibly carcinogenic or not classi-
             and apoptosis, dysregulation in their expression can pro-  fiable. About 12% are classified as carcinogenic to humans.
             mote tumorigenesis. Oncogenic miRNAs (oncomirs) target  The IARC classification scheme is described in Table 20.5.
             tumor suppressors and growth inhibitory pathways and are
             often up-regulated in various types of cancer. Examples of  ASSAYS FOR CARCINOGENS
             oncomirs are miR-21 (targets the tumor suppressor “phos-
             phatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10”  Tests most frequently used to determine the carcinogenic
             (PTEN)), which is upregulated in human glioblastoma;  potential include (1) long term rodent cancer bioassays
             miR-155, which is upregulated in breast, lung and several  and (2) short term assays.

               TABLE 20.5 IARC Classification of Human Carcinogens

               Carcinogen Classification   Explanation
               Group 1 Known human carcinogen  Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans
               Group 2A Probable human     Limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans; sufficient evidence in experimental animals,
               carcinogen                  and strong evidence that carcinogenesis in experimental animals is mediated by a mechanism
                                           that also operates in humans
               Group 2B Possible human     Limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans, and less than sufficient evidence of
               carcinogen                  carcinogenicity in experimental animals
               Group 3 Not classifiable for human  The evidence of carcinogenicity is inadequate or limited in experimental animals
               Group 4 Not likely to be a human  Not carcinogenic to humans
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