Page 383 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 383

350 SECTION | III Nanoparticles, Radiation and Carcinogens  carry oncogenes derived from cellular proto-oncogenes  or identical to that of the c-onc products, and the expres-
                                                                sion is generally unregulated.
             that are involved in mitogenic signaling and growth
             control (Butel, 2000).
                The model for the acquisition of oncogenes by retro-
             viruses from cellular proto-oncogenes was first provided  Radiation Carcinogenesis
             by Takeya and Hanafusa (1983) from their work on the c-
                                                                The Risk of Radiation-Induced Carcinogenesis
             Src proto-oncogene. Cellular proto-oncogenes contain
             introns while the corresponding viral oncogenes lack  Is Directly Related to the Amount of Energy
             introns. The retroviral oncogene capture model postulates  Deposited Into the Tissue by Radiation
             that the c-onc sequence was captured by virus through  In the following discussion, radiation will refer only to
             recombination that occurred at the level of proviral DNA.  ionizing radiation. A radiation dose to tissue is expressed
             Retroviruses replicate inside the cell through a DNA inter-  as absorbed energy per unit tissue mass. The Gray (Gy) is
             mediate, called provirus, which is integrated into the chro-  the unit of radiation dose and is quantified as 1 joule/kg
             mosomal DNA of the infected cell. Chance integration of  tissue. The older unit rad is still used and 1 rad 5 0.01 Gy.
             provirus next to the cellular proto-oncogene creates a  Carcinogenic potential of radiation depends upon the
             viral-cellular fusion gene. Read-through transcription of  absorbed dose (energy).
             this fusion gene creates a hybrid (viral 1 cellular) RNA.  LET (linear energy transfer; L) is a measure of the
             Processing of this read-through transcript removes the  rate at which energy (E) is deposited to the absorbing
             introns. When this hybrid RNA sequence undergoes   medium per unit distance (l) traversed by the radiation
             recombination with the viral RNA during reverse-   (L 5 dE/dl; if the distance traversed is measured in mm,
             transcription, the cellular oncogene (without the introns) is  then L 5 keV/mm). Consequently, high-LET radiations
             captured by the viral genome. Fig. 20.7 shows how a cel-  (e.g., α-particles; neutrons; heavy ions; pions, also known
             lular proto-oncogene (c-onc) could be acquired by the  pi mesons) will deposit greater amounts of energy in the
             viral genome. The function of the v-onc products is similar  absorbing media than low-LET radiations (e.g., γ-rays;

             FIGURE 20.7 Mechanism by which a cellular proto-oncogene (c-onc) is captured by retrovirus to give rise to a viral oncogene (v-onc). It is trig-
             gered by proviral integration next to the cellular proto-oncogene creating a viral-cellular fusion gene. RNA processing following read-through tran-
             scription removes the introns from this hybrid (viral 1 cellular) RNA sequence. When this hybrid RNA sequence undergoes recombination with the
             viral RNA during reverse-transcription, the cellular oncogene is captured by the viral genome without the introns.
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