Page 12 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
P. 12

Live-Cell Analysis Handbook — Third Edition

       The IncuCyte system is compatible with multiple different types   •    Documentation of cell morphology
       of cell culture vessels and can monitor multiple vessels at a time.   Changes in cell morphology due to cell seeding density
       Data consists of objective, image-based growth metrics to capture   or phenotypic drift can be identified using a range of
       transient and time-dependent events.                     magnifications to capture fine details of cells and spatial
                                                                coverage of cell populations.
       In order to establish quality cell cultures and improve   •    Accurate assessment of overall monolayer
       experimental outcomes in downstream assays, various aspects   By imaging multiple areas of your vessel or using a whole-well
       of cell culture need to be tightly controlled, optimized and   imaging mode, spatial variations in cell distribution can be
       documented.                                              quantified and then reduced.

                                                              •    Cell seeding densities
       •    Growth conditions                                   To improve assay quality and consistency of kinetic assays, it
         Prior to utilizing cells in quantitative assays, it is important   is important to minimize variations in cell seeding densities
         to optimize and define cell culture regimens. Documenting   due to pipetting errors during plate seeding which result in
         variations in cell growth due to factors such as; lot-to-lot   differential growth rates. Measuring confluence before utilizing
         differences in cell culture media, changes in media component   assay plates eliminates assay variation, resulting in reproducible
         concentrations over time due to degradation, and inconsistent   conditions.
         feeding schedules can all be identified using label-free phase
         image segmentation techniques that generate confluence   •    Documenting time-dependent variables
         measurements.                                          Assessment of cell behavior and growth in association with cell
                                                                treatment times can define experimental conditions to ensure
                                                                consistent results.

       Cell Culture QC Assays
       Measuring proliferation to optimize growth conditions and seeding densities

       The IncuCyte system can be used to track cell proliferation over time using label-free
       phase segmentation (confluence) metrics (Figure 2), allowing for the assessment of cell
       growth as well as monitoring cell culture and assay optimization.

                                A                                            B


       Figure 2. T-flask vessel view shows
       location of images acquired (A).
       Proliferation time-course for HT-1080
       human fibrosarcoma cells is shown
       (B).  (C) HD-phase time-lapse images
       of HT-1080 cells (confluence mask
       overlaid; right panels).

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