Page 8 - Live-cellanalysis handbook
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Live-Cell Analysis Handbook — Third Edition

      Performing these steps on individual images to generate sufficient   to assess differences, and hypotheses evaluated. Scaling this to
      statistical power to support a hypothesis can be a tedious   the analysis of live-cell experiments allows for the evaluation of
      process. However, when operating on large numbers of images   temporal data, and extending this to microplate microscopy means
      which have been collected in a substantially similar manner, the   that population data may be studied with ease. This basic workflow
      series of operations performed to clean up the data, extract   is the subject of countless tutorials and books, and the domain
      desired information, and compare images may be recorded and   of numerous software packages that offer a cornucopia of tools
      automatically applied to many images in a single experiment. Once   intended to answer a broad range of scientific questions.
      this data has been extracted, treatment groups may be compared

      Image Processing to Remove Systematic or Sample-Induced Artifacts

      The image data we have described above is typically captured by   or non-biological signal sources (i.e. shading or patterns arising
      detectors that convert analog information, specifically photons,   from sample matrices, micro-fluidic channels, or non-uniform
      into digital signals. This analog information is collected in a matrix   illumination effects in microwells) must be removed before usable,
      fashion, spatially rendered according to location in the sample.   replicable information can be extracted.
      Ideally, the signal undergoing analog to digital conversion would
      come only from photons produced by the sample of interest,   In order to perform these corrections, one must be aware of the
      and in perfect focus. However, this is not the usual case. There   effects of each process, and manipulations on the raw images
      are multiple sources of confounding signal present in an image,   must be repeatable to ensure faithful capture of the true biological
      each needing correction, removal, or cleaning in order to reveal   signal across images. There are many tutorials and software
      information which has been generated by the sample elements of   toolkits available to process images, however systems that perform
      interest. Corrections are needed due to systematic aberrations in   these corrections as a matter of course provide consistency and
      an imaging system stemming from multiple sources. For example,   ease of use, particularly when coupled with standardized assays,
      detector anomalies (e.g. detector bias, dark current variability,   reagents and consumables which normalize the experimental
      field flatness and thermal or gamma-ray noise), optical issues   process (e.g. the IncuCyte Live-Cell Analysis System, and the assays
      (non-flat optical components and illumination imperfections)   and reagents available from Sartorius). The consistency with which
      or undesired signal introduced by the sample are common   images are acquired and processed will influence the ability to
      issues. Autofluorescence from cellular componenets or media,   analyze the collected data.

      Identifying Biology of Interest via Image Masking or “Segmentation”

      Once an image has been appropriately processed to remove   do exist, and more complex interactions can be performed with
      aberrant signal, the next step is to identify the biology of   multiple masks, and Boolean operations (e.g., AND, OR, NOT) in
      interest. Image segmentation is a binary process, meaning pixels   order to hone in on the exact pixels of scientific interest. Again,
      are classified as either “in” and are included in any enumeration   this can be a time-consuming task, and purpose-built software
      process, or “out” and not considered as part of the sample. The   that presents only the tools necessary for a specific scientific
      simplest method for determining which pixels are in or out is by   question can remove what can be a significant hurdle in the
      thresholding, or setting a boundary above which all pixels are   image analysis workflow.
      “in”, and below which, all pixels are “out”. More complex tools

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