Page 25 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 25

Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram

           HEART RATE                                        • The regularity of the heartbeats: Are the RR
                                                             intervals regular or irregular?
           If the heart rhythm is regular, the simplest method  to  calculate  heart  rate  is  to  count  the  number  of     • The relationship of the P wave and QRS
           1 mm squares between two heartbeats (RR interval)
           and divide this number into 3000 if the paper speed     • Is there a P wave in front of every QRS
           is 50 mm/s (3000 is the equivalent of 1 minute     complex?
           because 60 seconds × 50 = 3000), or into 1500 if the     • Is there a QRS complex following every P
           paper speed is 25 mm/s (Fig. 2.2). This calculation   wave?
           will yield the heart rate as beats per minute (bpm).     • The origin of the heartbeats:
           If the heart rhythm is irregular, calculation of the     – Sinus node
           average heart rate over a prescribed period of time     – Ectopic focus (i.e., atrial, junctional, or
           is performed. It is useful to realize that 30 larger      ventricular origin)
           squares or 150 mm represent 3 seconds at 50 mm/s or     • The heart rate
           6 seconds at 25 mm/s. Thus heart rate is determined
           by counting the number of QRS complexes over 30   In some instances, the heart rhythm changes or is
           large squares and multiplying this number by 20 if   composed of multiple different rhythms that each
           the paper speed is 50 mm/s, or multiplying by 10 if   requires a separate description.
           the paper speed is 25 mm/s (Fig. 2.3). A commonly
           used shortcut takes advantage of the fact that many  MEAN ELECTRICAL AXIS
           standard ballpoint pens are 150 mm in length.   The mean electrical axis (MEA) describes the net
           Thus, the pen can be placed on the ECG paper to   direction of ventricular cardiac depolarization across
           denote a 3- or 6-second interval and the number of   the animal’s frontal plane (the plane delineated by
           beats that are demarcated by the length of the pen   the four extended limbs if the animal is viewed as
           can be quickly counted. To get “bpm,” this number   lying on its back).  The conventional 6-lead ECG
           is multiplied by 20 if the paper speed is 50 mm/s or   system divides the frontal plane into 12 segments,
           by 10 if the paper speed is 25 mm/s.           similar to the slices of a pie (Fig. 2.4, see Fig. 1.3 p. 2).
                                                          By doing so, the 6-lead ECG examination records
           RHYTHM                                         the electrical activity of the heart from six different
           The heart rhythm describes the pattern of heartbeats   vantage points along the frontal plane in 30-degree
           and sequence of the P–QRS–T wave forms. The heart   increments  (Fig.  2.4).  The MEA  normally points
           rhythm is best evaluated over a prolonged recording   toward the caudal half of the animal. In the dog,
           of a 6-lead ECG tracing.  When determining the   the normal MEA is between +40 and +100 degrees
           heart rhythm, the following characteristics should
           be examined:

                                            Heart rate = 3000/15 = 200 bpm
                 50 mm/s                         15 mm
                10 mm/mV

           Fig. 2.2 Calculation of heart rate when rhythm is regular.

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