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98  Section C: Congenital Heart Disease

                                                                 sented  for  exertional  dyspnea  (Schrope  and  Kelch
                                                                 2007). Syncope and exercise intolerance could also be

                                                                 Physical Examination
                                                                 The  heart  murmur  of  pulmonic  stenosis  should  be  a
      Congenital Heart Disease                                   and Martin 2003; Schrope and Kelch 2007). Tricuspid
                                                                 systolic murmur ausculted loudest at the left base over
                                                                 the pulmonic valve but it may radiate widely (Johnson

                                                                 regurgitation associated with right ventricular hypertro-
                                                                 phy  and  pressure  overload  may  result  in  a  systolic
                                                                 murmur ausculted over the right hemithorax.

                                                                 Differential Diagnosis
                                                                 A double chambered right ventricle may produce similar
              Figure 10.7.  Doppler	echocardiograph	from	a	cat	with	a	patent	  clinical  findings.  An  echocardiogram  with  Doppler
              ductus	arteriosus	(PDA).	Continuous	flow	is	noted	to	be	shunting	  should differentiate the two defects.
              into	the	pulmonary	artery	from	the	ductus.
                                                                 Diagnostic Testing
                                                                 A  normal  sinus  rhythm  and  normal  axis  may  be
                                                                 observed, or a right axis shift consistent with right ven-
              The prognosis for patent ductus arteriosus, particularly   tricular hypertrophy may be present. Right atrial enlarge-
              if diagnosed early, is very good. Once cats develop pul-  ment (tall P wave) may be noted.
              monary  hypertension  and  reversal  of  shunting,  the
              prognosis becomes guarded to poor.                 Radiography
                                                                 Radiographs may appear to be normal in many cases.
              PULMONIC STENOSIS, PULMONARY                       Alternatively,  evidence  of  right  atrial  or  ventricular
              ARTERY STENOSIS
                                                                 enlargement may be noted. A bulge due to poststenotic
              Pulmonic stenosis is a narrowing or a stenosis that can   dilation may be observed within the pulmonary artery.
              occur at the subvalvular, valvular, or supravalvular level
              (Keirstead  et  al.  2002;  Johnson  and  Martin  2003).   Echocardiography
              Additionally, pulmonary artery stenosis, a stenosis of the   Two-dimensional  echocardiography  may  demonstrate
              main  or  branched  pulmonary  artery,  has  also  been   some degree of right ventricular and/or papillary muscle
              recently reported in several cats (Schrope and Kelch 2007).  hypertrophy, flattening of the interventricular septum,
                 A  breed  predisposition  has  not  been  noted.  These   right atrial enlargement, and/or dilation of the pulmo-
              defects  have  been  reported  in  1  Devon  Rex,  several   nary  artery  above  the  stenosis.  Doppler  echocardio-
              domestic shorthairs, and 1 Persian (Johnson and Martin   graphic studies should demonstrate an increased velocity
              2003; Schrope and Kelch 2007).                     across the stenotic area. The severity of the stenosis is
                                                                 typically based on Doppler velocity across the narrowing
              Pathophysiology                                    and the calculated pressure gradient.
              Pulmonic stenosis or stenosis of the pulmonary artery,
              (main  pulmonary  artery  or  a  peripheral  pulmonary   Treatment
              artery) results in similar hemodynamic effects. Increased   Interventional therapy for pulmonic stenosis might be
              right ventricular systolic pressure resulting in right ven-  considered on a case-to-case basis. Balloon valvuloplasty
              tricular concentric hypertrophy, septal flattening, right   has been successfully performed in a cat with pulmonic
              atrial dilation, and the development of right heart failure   stenosis (Johnson and Martin 2003). Surgical palliation,
              can all be observed.                               including placement of a patch graft, might also be con-
                                                                 sidered  in  some  cases.  Medical  therapy  with  atenolol
              History and Chief Complaint
                                                                 (6.25–12.5 mg  orally  q  12  hours),  a  beta  blocker,  may
              Clinical  signs  appear  to  be  rare,  with  many  animals   also be considered if the patient is not a candidate for
              remaining asymptomatic for many years. One cat pre-  valvuloplasty and is not in congestive heart failure.
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