Page 101 - Feline Cardiology
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Chapter 10: Congenital Heart Malformations  99

              Prognosis                                          shunting across the ventricular septal defect (Fruganti et
              The prognosis may depend on the severity of the defect,   al. 2004).
              but some cats appear to do quite well and remain asymp-
              tomatic or with only mild symptoms for some time.  Additional Testing
                                                                 Polycythemia is expected when substantial right-to-left
              TETRALOGY OF FALLOT                                shunting of blood is present.

              Tetralogy of Fallot is an uncommon congenital defect in   Treatment
              the cat. It is characterized by a ventricular septal defect,   Surgical therapy including the development of a shunt
              obstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (pul-  from  the  systemic  to  the  pulmonary  system  has  been
              monic stenosis), an overriding (dextropositioned) aorta   successfully performed but is challenging in a cat (Miller   Congenital Heart Disease
              (arising from both ventricles), and secondary right ven-  et al. 1985). Medical therapy with a beta blocker, par-
              tricular  hypertrophy.  Shunting  of  blood  through  the   ticularly propranolol (2.5–5 mg/cat PO q 8h; begin low
              ventricular septal defect is typically right to left or mixed   and titrate up to desired effect of preventing tachycar-
              due  to  the  obstruction  of  the  pulmonary  artery  and   dia) may be helpful. In this case, propranol may be more
              elevated right ventricular pressures.
                                                                 helpful  than  atenolol,  which  is  cardioselective.
                                                                 Phlebotomy may be needed periodically to try to main-
              History and Chief Complaint
                                                                 tain the PCV below 68% if polycythemia occurs.
              Affected cats have been reported to be small and possibly
              stunted. They may present with dyspnea, exercise intol-  Prognosis
              erance, cyanosis, or syncope.                      Tetralogy  of  Fallot  generally  carries  a  poor  prognosis,
                                                                 though the specific prognosis depends on the combina-
              Physical Examination
                                                                 tion of size of ventricular septal defect, degree of pul-
              Cyanosis  associated  with  a  right-to-left  shunting  ven-  monic  stenosis,  and  degree  of  dextroposition  of  the
              tricular septal defect is generally noted, but not always.   aorta. Therefore, the diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot does
              A  systolic  murmur  consistent  with  pulmonic  stenosis   not by itself indicate a definitive prognosis; the extent of
              may be ausculted at the left base of the heart, but it may   the  primary  lesions,  and  their  effects  (overt  clinical
              radiate  generally  and  be  heard  over  the  right  thorax     signs, polycythemia, etc.) must be considered in order
              as well.                                           to provide an accurate prognosis.

              Differential Diagnosis                             REFERENCES
              Radiographs  may  be  suggestive  of  pulmonic  stenosis,   Boldface font indicates key references.
              but the poststenotic pulmonary artery dilation typically   Chetboul V,  Charles V,  Nicolle A,  et  al.  Retrospective  study  of  156
              seen  with  pulmonic  stenosis  would  not  be  expected.   atrial septal defects in dogs and cats (2001–2005). J Vet Med A,
              Echocardiography should be used to determine the eti-  Physiol,Pathol, Clin Med 2006;53:179–184.
              ology of the outflow obstruction.                  Chetboul V, Tran D, Carlos C, et al. Les malformations congenitales
                                                                   de la valve tricuspide chez les carnivores domestiques: Etude ret-
                                                                   rospective de 50 cas. Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 2004;146:
              Diagnostic Testing
              Electrocardiography                                Ettinger  SJ.  Cardiac  biomarkers:  The  cat  is  not  a  dog.  Scientific
                                                                   Sessions, 28th Annual ACVIM Forum Anaheim, CA, June 12, 2010.
              A right axis shift would be expected but is not always   Fine DM, Tobias AH, Jacob KA. Supravalvular mitral stenosis in cat.
              present.                                             J Am An Hosp Assoc 2002;38:403–406.
                                                                 Fossum  TW,  Miller  MW,  Rogers  KS,  et  al.  Chylothorax  associated
              Radiography                                          with  right-sided  heart  failure  in  five  cats.  J Am Vet  Med Assoc
              Right ventricular enlargement may be noted. Pulmonary   1994;204:84–90.
              vascularity  may  be  small,  or  the  lungs  may  appear   Fruganti A, Cerquetella M, Beribe F, et al. Clinic and ultrasonographic
                                                                   findings  in  cat  with  tetrology  of  Fallot.  Vet  Res  Commun
              undercirculated.                                     2004;28:343–346.
                                                                 Gordon B, Trautvetter E, Patterson DF. Pulmonary congestion associ-
              Echocardiography                                     ated with cor triatriatum in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1982;180:
              Right  ventricular  hypertrophy,  a  ventricular  septal   75–77.
              defect, a dextroposition of the aorta, and right ventricu-  Heaney AM,  Bulmer  B.  Cor  triatriatum  sinister  and  persistent  left
                                                                   cranial vena cava in a kitten. J Vet Intern Med 2004;18:895–898.
              lar  outflow  obstruction  should  be  noted.  Color    Hitchcock LS, Lehmkuhl LB, Bonagura JD. Patent ductus arteriosus
              Doppler  examination  should  identify  the  right-to-left   in cats: 21 cases. J Vet Intern Med 2000;14:338.
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