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Chapter 18: Arrhythmias and Other Electrocardiographic Abnormalities  227

              petence, recurrence of congestive heart failure, or other   cats. Nevertheless, since AF in cats is almost invariably
              signs of beta-blocker excess), diltiazem HCl (7.5 mg PO   associated  with  atrial  enlargement,  anticoagulation  is
              q 8h; avoid sustained-release diltiazem [Dilacor-XL, Cardizem-   warranted on the basis of atrial enlargement alone (see
              CD],  where  pharmacokinetics  are  unpredictable  in     Chapter 20).
              the  cat  (Johnson  et  al.  1996;  Wall  et  al.  2005)  and   Complications of AF and its treatment may include
              gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary side effects occur in up to   medication  intolerance  (see  description,  above)  and
              20%  of  cats),  or  digoxin  (0.03125  [1/4  of  a  0.125 mg   progression of underlying heart disease leading to con-
              tablet] PO q 48 h; never in hypertrophic cardiomyopa-  gestive heart failure, thromboembolism, and/or sudden
              thy;  always  with  careful  monitoring  for  inappetence,   cardiac death. The occurrence of such complications is
              lethargy,  vomiting,  or  diarrhea  as  signs  of  digoxin   highly variable between cats, and the prognosis for AF
              intolerance/toxicosis). The therapeutic target is typically   in the cat covers a wide range. The median survival in a
              to achieve an exam room heart rate of 240 beats/minute   retrospective study of 24 cats with AF was 165 days, with
              or less. Since this is often already the case for many cats   more than half living >6 months (6–12 months: 21%; 1
              with AF before treatment, the presence of AF in the cat   year or more: 33%) (Côté et al. 2004). Overall, the sur-
              does not automatically require treatment. Without sub-  vival  of  cats  with AF  is  longer  than  that  of  cats  with
              stantiation,  cardiologists  and  clinicians  may  be  more   aortic thromboembolism, shorter than that of cats with
              inclined to prescribe treatment for asymptomatic struc-  asymptomatic/compensated  heart  disease,  and  similar
              tural  heart  disease  (e.g.,  HCM)  if  AF  is  also  present,   to that of cats with congestive heart failure (Atkins et al.   Arrhythmias
              even  at  a  nonelevated  rate,  with  the intent  of using a   2001).
              beta  blocker  to  help  both  with  the  cardiomyopathic
              process  and  with  heart  rate  limitation  related  to  AF.   Premature Ventricular Complexes
              Holter monitoring, commonly used in dogs and humans   Perhaps the most widely recognized, and misinterpreted,
              with AF  to  better  appreciate  heart  rate  through  a  24-  ECG abnormality is the premature ventricular complex
              hour period (and away from the hospital) is currently   (PVC;  also  called  ventricular  premature  contraction,
              little used in feline cardiology for this purpose; ethical   depolarization,  or  extrasystole  [VPC/VPD/VE]).  The
              concerns  about  the  burden  of  the  monitors’  weight   premature, abnormal-appearing (often wide, bizarre in
              being carried by cats with heart disease, monitor avail-  morphology) QRS complex and T wave of a PVC are the
              ability,  and  additional  expense,  are  important  limita-  electrocardiographic expression of spontaneous electri-
              tions.  The  result  is  likely  an  underappreciation  of  the   cal activity originating in the ventricles and serving no
              need (or lack thereof) for treatment of AF. Atrial fibril-  useful purpose (Figures 18.12, 18.13).
              lation  is  associated  with  thromboembolic  disease  in   The  mechanisms  by  which  premature  ventricular
              human patients, a result of the loss of atrial contraction   complexes occur are likely the same, at the ventricular
              and resultant sluggish flow of blood in fibrillating atria,   level, as those at the atrial level that cause PACs (above):
              but  such  an  association  has  not  been  documented  in   abnormal  automaticity,  microreentry,  and  delayed

                                    2                           1                                      QRS


              Figure 18.12.  Three	premature	ventricular	complexes	in	a	cat	with	hypertrophic	cardiomyopathy.	Two	populations	of	PVCs	are	seen;
              the	background	rhythm	is	normal	sinus.	“Classic”-appearing,	wide,	bizarre	QRS	complexes	(with	associated	bizarre	T	waves),	numbered
              “1,”	are	considered	to	be	of	left	ventricular	origin.	A	PVC	that	is	more	subtle,	numbered	“2,”	is	still	premature	and	still	has	a	QRS	com-
              plex	that	is	different	from	sinus	QRS	complexes;	thus,	the	criteria	for	a	PVC	are	met.	PVCs	like	“2,”	with	a	morphology	that	more	closely
              resembles	sinus	QRS	complexes,	are	considered	to	originate	from	the	right	ventricle	or	basal	interventricular	septum.	The	hemodynamic
              consequences	of	a	PVC	of	this	morphology	(shape)	are	just	as	significant	as	those	of	the	PVCs	marked	“1”;	neither	morphology	carries
              a	more	or	less	serious	prognosis	than	the	other,	and	morphology	alone	does	not	dictate	the	prognosis,	or	need	for	antiarrhythmic	treat-
              ment,	in	patients	with	PVCs.	25	mm/sec,	1	cm	=	1	mV.
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